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我拿到了匈奴王的宝剑。I've got attila 's sword.

在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。On the left there is your Attila the Hun.

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如果他看见车产生无名恐惧又该怎么办?What if Attila panics when he sees the car?

尤兹和我边走边说,把艾希曼带进他的房间,汉斯跟了进来。Uzi and I led Attila to his room, trailed by Hans.

他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。He thinks he's the reincarnation of attila the hun.

匈奴王阿提拉曾令东欧人民胆寒。Attila struck terror into the people of Eastern Europe.

上图描绘的是他于阿提拉那次著名的会面。Pictured above is the famed meeting between St Leo and Attila.

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阿提拉和“祸害上帝”已在同一时间被认为是同义词。Attila and "scourge of God" have at one time been considered synonyms.

匈奴王阿提拉就以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。Attila the Hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one. —Mel White

多瑙河畔的匈牙利大平原,曾是匈奴王阿提拉的王庭所在。Attila the Hun set up his court in the Hungarian Plain beside the River Danube.

451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战争。The battle in which attila the hun was defeated by the romans and visigoths in451.

还有很多难民逃亡到那里以躲避匈奴王阿提拉以及后来的其他战争。Also, many refugees escaped there to avoid Attila the Hum and later, form other wars.

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民族自豪感也及时地出来给阿堤拉这个人投上一层虚构的光环。National pride, too, came in time to invest the person of Attila with a halo of fiction.

马克.阿提拉.哈特利高高跃起,力压敌手科洛瓦蒂,救助米兰在那段饱经患难的光阴里博得一场德比的胜利。Mark Attila Hately jumping over Carlo Judas Collovatti and offering the derby to Milan after years of sufferings.

不过阿堤拉在西罗马帝国的冒险活动并为结束。第二年他对意大利发起了一场毁灭性的战役。Attila 's adventures in the West had not ended, however. In the following year he launched a devastating campaign into Italy.

他裹在大衣里,衣领翻起,双手插袋,身体前倾,迎着风继续朝我的方向走来。Burrowed within his coat, his collar upturned, hands in his pockets, leaning into the wind, Attila continued steadily toward me.

伊塞疲惫地躺在安乐椅上看着我们,双眼布满血丝,为了把艾希曼弄出阿根廷他一刻不停地工作着。Isser, deep in an easy chair, faced the rest of us. His eyes were bloodshot from working nonstop on his plan to get Attila out of Argentina.

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阿堤拉立即发动了一系列战争,将匈奴国的统治从莱茵河扩大到黑海北部,甚至远及里海。Attila embarked immediately upon a series of wars extending Hun rule from the Rhine across the north of the Black Sea as far as the Caspian Sea.

匈奴王占领了罗马帝国的几个城市,所以大多数人认为他征服了整个中国和欧洲的大部分,甚至包括部分的法国。Attila took several cities in the roman empire so most people think he conquered from all of China to almost all of Europe up to some parts France.

终于阿堤拉与弗兰克人和汪达尔人结盟,并于451年春天发起了他长期叫嚣的对西欧心脏地带的攻击。Finally, Attila forged an alliance with the Franks and Vandals and in spring 451 unleashed his long-threatened attack into the heart of Western Europe.