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杰克这人缺乏教养。Jack is a man of ill breeding.

秋季是蜘蛛繁殖的季节。Autumn is spider breeding season.

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他擅长畜养家畜。He is good at breeding livestock.

出生固然重要,但教养更重要。Brith is much, but breeding is more.

了解啤酒大麦的育种和管理。Know barley breeding and management.

在棚室内选育成功的。Breeding success indoors in the shed.

鸣禽完成了繁殖。The songbirds have finished breeding.

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协调中国啤酒大麦育种事宜。Coordinate China beer barley breeding.

药物繁育是医药学的一个恩惠。Breeding drugs would be a medical boon.

“金舟号”是一只罕见的好种鸽。"Enterprise, " is a rare good breeding.

他给了我一本关于养兔的书。She gives me a book on breeding rabbits.

传统育种与转基因技术孰优孰劣Conventional breeding versus GM technology

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种质资源是遗传育种的基础。Germplasm is the base of the plant breeding.

总的来说,饲养密度宜小不宜大。In general, breeding density should not big.

夏南牛培育项目始于1986年。Xianan cattle breeding project began in 1986.

牛轭湖深处是否还有一个繁殖对。A breeding pair still nests deep in the bayou.

本试验研究了狍在人工饲养条件下的繁殖行为。The breeding behavior of roe deer was studied.

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为今后的防治、正确选择抗病品种和育种打下基础。This will be the base of control and breeding.

他的粗鲁是由于缺乏教养而造成的。His surliness is caused by his lack of breeding.

他们还必须对耕作或饲养做好记录。They must also keep farming or breeding records.