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洗衣板哪里去了?Where is the washboard?

你不想拥有平滑的小腹和结实的胸肌吗?Don't you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard pecs?

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尽管有过两个孩子,她的肚子是搓板持平。Despite having had two children, her stomach is washboard flat.

其一,可能就算你日日练腹肌也不可能达到理想的形状。First, you can do abs 'til the cows come home and still not get washboard abs.

男人个个又高又壮、气概如虹,而且腹肌都像搓板那样一棱一棱的。The men are bigger and more macho and more stalwart and all have uniform washboard abs.

他甚至撩起衬衫给我看他那健美肤色强健的腹肌。He even pulled up his shirt to show me his toned and tanned abs on his new washboard stomach.

往往会因为生产调节不当而造成纸板表面呈搓板状或起泡。Regulation be production caused by the improper paperboard foaming washboard or radio frequent.

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真的有一块木头做的洗衣板,虽然边上有洗衣机和衣服烘干机。It was true that a wooden washboard was available though a washing machine and drier stood nearby.

当然,找起来也不难,灶台上没有,原来杯子位于搁在水池上的洗衣板上。He could not find the glass on the kitchen table, but he found it on the washboard which lay on the wash tank.

我的卡车在搓板似的路面上颠簸,地上还有很多深沟,有的沟里还有流水。The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts.Some of the ruts were running with water.

认为搓板式制动力测试台结构简单,测试精度高,影响因素少。The washboard type measuring tester had a simpler structure, higher measuring precision, and less influencing factors.

我的卡车在搓板似的路面上颠簸,地上还有很多深沟,有的沟里还有流水。The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts. Some of the ruts were running with water.

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两者之间的联系在男性的身体上表现得尤为明显,这也就意味着令人艳羡不已的六块明显的腹肌并不像他们所认为的那样健康。The link is particularly strong in men, meaning those with washboard stomachs may not be quite as healthy as they think.

大多数蚂蚁的腹部生有一块天然的“搓衣板”和“琴拨”,它们依靠互相摩擦的声音来“说话”。Most ants have a natural washboard and plectrum built into their abdomens that they can rub together to communicate using sound.

在这里,挂著“收购蘑菇”招牌的粗糙白帐篷像雨后春笋般冒了出来,分布在一条尘土飞扬、坑洼不平的马路两旁,这条马路往北通向加拿大边境。Here, crude white tents with signs that read "mushroom buyer" have sprung up on the dusty washboard road that winds north to the Canadian border.

比起上一代产品“驼背狗”,这个新版本对于家庭来说更具亲合力。你就看着这只健身狗是如何把肚子上的搓衣板变成完美的腹肌吧!A more family-friendly version then its "humping dog" predecessor, you can watch the USB Exercising Dog as he works his washboard abs to perfection!

首先,我把脏衣服都放进了盆子里,然后又放了好多的洗衣粉和洗衣液,打湿后我使劲在洗衣板上来回搓动。First, I put dirty clothes into the pot, and then they put a lot of detergent and laundry detergent, after wet my hard back and forth on a washboard rubbing.

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到拉纳你要做的第一件事,就是去租辆越野车。然后沿着山脊上崎岖不平的车道开向毛伊岛,顺道欣赏沿途美妙的风景。The thing to do while on Lanai is rent a Jeep, and crawl up the washboard dirt lane that tops out along the ridge line with wide views across the channel to Maui.

柴迪科舞曲南路易斯安那的流行音乐,融合了法国舞曲、加勒比音乐的曲调和布鲁斯,特点是由演唱小组用吉它、手风琴和。Popular music of southern Louisiana that combines French dance melodies, elements of Caribbean music, and the blues, played by small groups featuring the guitar, the accordion, and a washboard.

“我的发明,”乔骄傲地说,“比搓衣板和你的手指头强多了,一周至少能省十五分钟,干这种活能省计五分钟就不可小看了。”"My invention, " Joe said proudly. "Beats a washboard an' your knuckles, and, besides, it saves at least fifteen minutes in the week, an' fifteen minutes ain't to be sneezed at in this shebang."