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禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。Law To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

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一个人不应该妨碍他人进步。One shouldn't impede other's progress.

骄傲会阻碍你服事他人。Pride will impede your serving others.

五种音符,迷惑我们的耳朵,阻碍我们的听觉。Five notes bewilder our ears and impede our listening.

有人话我改唔到。但我觉得我改到咯。I was so impede change. But I think I changed to slightly.

水坝妨碍蒙大纳北部欧鳟的迁徙吗?Do dams impede the migration of bull trout in northern Montana?

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任何区域的阻塞都可能妨碍区域12的功能。Blockages in any other zone may impede functionality in Zone 12.

脚的残废可能会妨碍走路,但你并不只是你的脚。Lameness may impede your legs. But you are not merely your legs.

感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth.

卸载两个叠在一起物件的能力不应该受到物件高度的限制。Unit height should not impede ability to unload double-stacked units.

携带会妨碍奔牛路跑进行的物品。To carry objects which may impede the correct running of the Bull Run.

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由于只受到少量物质拦阻,这波CME在17小时内就到达地球。With little material to impede it, the CME reached Earth within 17 hours.

避免让自己受到日晒,你就会抑制细纹发展。Protect yourself from the sun, and you impede the development of fine lines.

如果金属固件阻碍了树液的循环,植物将会有“窒息”的风险。There is a “risk of strangulation” if metal fasteners impede the flow of sap.

抑制BCR-ABL酪氨酸激酶可有效抑制肿瘤生长。Inhibiting BCR-ABL tyrosine kinases can impede the growing progress of tumors.

中国体系的矛盾性阻碍了市场的正常发展。The contradictions within China’s system impede the creation of a proper market.

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汽油价格高昂将会打击复苏,但不会让复苏脱离正轨,只是减慢了速度.High gas prices will impede the recovery, but won't derail it. It's a speed bump.

如电影中展现的,法律怎样加速或延滞了社会变迁,或者。How does law work to foster or impede social change, as illustrated in this film, or.

自由市场商人与左派分子之间的意识形态斗争可能阻碍改革推进。Ideological battles between free- marketeers and left-wingers threaten to impede reform.