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银杏树全身上下都是宝啊。Every part of the gingko tree is useful.

银杏果为银杏的成熟种子。Gingko nut is the mature seed of gingko.

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果仁可以吃还可以入药。Gingko kernels can be a medicinal material.

茶树精油、洋甘菊萃取、银杏。Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Extract, Gingko Biloba.

韩佳,你又把银杏树给拟人化了。Han Jia, you are personifying these gingko trees.

住宅区街道两旁种上了银杏树。Many residential streets are lined with gingko trees.

那是加鸡肉、小虾、杏仁蒸的蛋羹。It's an egg custard with chicken, shrimp and gingko nuts.

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看呐,有人在行道树上打银杏呢。Look, someone is plucking gingko from those street trees.

东京的秋天,以银杏树炽烈的色彩为标志。Autumn in Tokyo, marked by blazing colors on gingko trees.

三千多年的银杏树依然枝繁叶茂。This more-than-3,000-year-old gingko still has luxuriant foliage.

银杏——用于提高记忆力和血液循环机能。Gingko Biloba – Used to improve memory and poor blood circulation.

因此,建议在银杏茶的加工工艺中采用微波干燥处理银杏叶。It suggests to adopt the microwave in the craft of the gingko tea.

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你看,这株银杏树的周围簇拥着许多小银杏树。You see, this gingko tree is embraced by many smaller gingko trees.

银杏叶虽然富含类黄酮,但是却不含非瑟酮。Gingko biloba leaves, while rich in other flavonoids, do not contain fisetin.

银杏叶是非常受欢迎的,因为它有许多不同的健康效益。Gingko Biloba is extremely popular in that it has many different health benefits.

银杏叶提取物已被用于5000年在传统中药。Gingko leaf extract have been used for 5000 years in traditional Chinese medicine.

横纲,是最高级别的相扑运动员穿他们的头发在风情的银杏叶。Yokozuna , the highest ranking Sumo wrestlers wear their hair in the style of a Gingko leaf.

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本文研究了银杏黄酮的水—乙醇提取工艺,就不同的提取条件进行工艺优化。In this paper, water and alcohol as extracting solvent were used to extract gingko flavonoids.

都说银杏有助提高记忆力,但长期的研究表明,事实并非如此。Gingko has had many claims of memory boosting, but a longterm study showed this not to be the case.

每瓶饮料里面都不含有卡路里、碳水化合物和砂糖,但却富含多种维他命及其它营养物质。Each shot has no calories, carbohydrates or sugar, and is fortified with gingko biloba and vitamins.