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他发现老师的固执难以忍受。He found his teacher's bigotry intolerable.

固执就是顽固坚持自己的意见。It is the opinion that bigotry holds to him toughly.

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我过去在阿伦敦时就懂得,顽固执拗是够糟糕的了。Bigotry is bad enough, as I had learned in Allentown.

目前这件事咱们至少可以毫无偏见地进行下去。At least we can proceed in this matter without bigotry.

这位减少单一文化的偏执迈出了一小步。It is a small step in reducing the bigotry of monocultures.

马克·吐温发现警方抱有偏见,为此感到十分愤慨,而后认识到自己也存在偏见。Outraged at finding bigotry in the police, Twain then found it in himself.

今天的美国已经和那个冷酷、骄傲而偏执的时代相去甚远了。America today is a world away from the cruel and prideful bigotry of that time.

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昨天的美国未经是一个完整不共的世界了,骇己的残暴跟恐怖的偏执一往不复返了。America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time.

这并不意味着我们需要欢迎真正的保守派进入到公众讨论中来。This doesn’t mean that we need to welcome real bigotry into our public discourse.

就像一个受污染的沼泽慢慢干枯一样,反对同性恋的偏执行为会越来越严重。Like a polluted swamp, anti-gay bigotry is likely to get thicker and more toxic as it dries up.

用舒适的刺激促进血液循环,缓解顽固的酸疼。Use comfortable The incitement of promotes the blood circulation. Alleviate the bigotry aching.

奥巴马总统称,焚烧任何神圣书籍的行为都是极端难以容忍的,偏执的行为。President Obama said the burning of any holy text was an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry.

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亲眼目睹了所有这一切之后,纳尔逊不失时机地挺身而出与这些顽固偏执的思想作斗争。And in the wake of all of that, Nelson has never missed the opportunity to speak out and confront bigotry.

奥巴马的支持者对该问题意见不一,许多人指责绝大部分选民偏执。His supporters have divided on the issue, with many accusing the larger part of the electorate of bigotry.

当乔纳森试图想要获得一份糊口的工作时,他也碰到了西蒙曾经遇到过的钉子。When Jonathon went out to find himself gainful employment, he was confronted with the same bigotry as Simon.

近期的这些死亡事件提醒人们,所有的美国人必须努力克服偏见和仇恨。These most recent deaths are a reminder that all Americans have to work harder to overcome bigotry and hatred.

为了让更多人看文章而煽动盲从的火焰,真是败给这个作者了。Fanning the flames of bigotry just for the sake of a few more views on your article. Hats off to Justin McCurry.

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一些奥巴马的政敌企图利用一团团的偏见把他描绘成一个异国之人。Some of Mr Obama’s enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American.

许多非异教徒没有想法什么我们做或相信,并且教育这人民可能帮助与不宽容和顽固战斗。Many non-Pagans have no idea what we do or believe, and educating these people can help fight intolerance and bigotry.

除了参加取缔核能武器的运动之外,他公开指责麦卡锡主义,呼吁消除偏见和种族歧视。Besides campaigning for a ban on nuclear weaponry, he denounced McCarthyism and pleaded for an end to bigotry and racism.