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猴子生活在树上的栖息地。Monkeys live in an arboreal habitat.

作为栖息地的电子邮件。Duchenaut, and Bellotti. Email as Habitat.

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这条河是食鱼貂的自然栖身地。This river is the natural habitat of fisher.

仁人建立廉租住房。Habitat for Humanity builds low-cost housing.

第三,它非常依赖它的栖息地。Third, it depends very closely on its habitat.

区境域自然条件比较优越。Area Habitat domain superior natural conditions.

这一栖息地将为空勤人员提供生活和工作的地方。The habitat provides crew living and work space.

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我们为了自己的需要毁坏蜜蜂的居住地。We destroyed that habitat of bees for our needs.

支持保护重要野鸟栖地。Support the protection of important bird habitat.

它如何为人类提供一个适宜的居住地?How does it provide a liveable habitat for people?

从其自然栖息地把它拔下来太可惜了。To remove it from its natural habitat seems a pity.

插角舌头保持在其自然栖息地的碎片。Gusseted tongue keeps debris in its natural habitat.

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栖息于小河岸边、湖边和沼泽地。Habitat in the river shore, the lake and marshlands.

我们为了自己的需要毁坏蜜蜂的居住地。Us. We destroyed that habitat of bees for our needs.

咱们想力荐咱们新的家里成员康健监测器。We'd love to recommend we new habitat health monitor.

丛林肉猎人和丧失栖息地是主要威胁。Bushmeat hunters and habitat loss are the main threats

这座大坝也会毁坏食蜗镖鲈的生存环境。The dam would also destroy the snail darter's habitat.

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黑曼巴主要地被生境破坏威胁。The mamba is mainly threatened by habitat destruction.

咱们想力荐咱们新的家里成员康健监测器。We'd like to recommend our new habitat health monitor.

湿地是东方白鹳赖以生存的栖息地。Wetland is a significant habitat for Ciconia boyciana.