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是华盛顿奇才队吗?Is it Washington Wizards?

现在,我住在华盛顿。Now, I live in Washington.

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亚特兰大比华盛顿更靠南。Atlanta is below Washington.

我的艺术在华盛顿磬。I'm Art Chimes in Washington.

——布克•T•华盛顿Booker T. Washington 1881—1915

他被派驻到华盛顿。He was accredited at Washington.

他奉派到华盛顿。He was accredited to Washington.

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理查德·李斯特在华盛顿发回的报道。Richard Lister is in Washington.

华盛顿是位著名的将军。Washington was a famous general.

我住在华盛顿街1203号。I live at 1203 Washington Street.

我住在华盛顿大街1203号。I live at 1203 Washington street.

尊敬的华盛顿州英斯利州长。Governor Jay Inslee of Washington.

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欢迎来到华盛顿。-谢谢!Welcome to Washington. -Thank you!

或许,将前往华盛顿州?And go to Washington State perhaps?

中国是华盛顿的热门话题。China is a hot topic in Washington.

他搭机经由纽约飞往华盛顿。He flew to Washington via New York.

他们选华盛顿当总统。They elected Washington pres-ident.

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地址是华盛顿州肯思通大道357号?。At 357 Kingston Drive in Washington?

他现在居住在西雅图附近。He resides near Seattle, Washington.

杰克I自华盛顿报导。Jack Izzard reports from Washington.