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我跑通勤到圣路易斯奥比斯波,两周一次。I commute to San Luis Obispo twice a week.

圣。路易思。欧比斯勃市有着全年温和的宜人气候。San luis obispo enjoys an outstanding moderate year-round climate.

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圣。路易思。欧比斯勃市有着全年温和的宜人气候。San Luis Obispo enjoys an outstanding, moderate year-round climate.

圣路易斯奥比斯波县在这里骑自行车是非常受欢迎。San Luis Obispo County is THE place where biking is immensely popular.

如果您住在圣。路易思。欧比斯勃市,您不需要开车。You should not need a car if you live and go to school in San Luis Obispo.

全体营员首先要经过将近300英里的车程最终到达位于加利福尼亚州圣路易奥比斯波的实践营地。It starts with a nearly 300-mile bus trip to the camp in San Luis Obispo , Calif.

可爱的圣路易斯奥比斯波嵌在加里福尼亚广阔的中部海岸地区。Lovely San Luis Obispo is tucked into California's sweeping Central Coast region.

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这是一个事实圣路易斯奥比斯波县是很出名的不同地形。It is a fact that San Luis Obispo County is quite known for it's diverse topography.

我们将在有家庭历史渊源的这个小城寻找过去的足迹及童年的回忆。We will be in San Luis Obispo , tracing family history and John's childhood memories.

之后我去了加利福尼亚州,在位于圣路易斯-奥比斯波县的加州理工大学读本科。and went down to California to go to my undergraduate institution, which was Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

圣路易欧比斯波郡的牛奶定期会被检测,因为Diablo峡谷原子能厂位于该郡南海岸。Milk in San Luis Obispo is regularly tested because the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is on the county’s southern coast.

当哈科特酿完一批啤酒之后,卡诺就会从旧金山奥比斯珀驱车来到这里,带走一小桶白色麦芽酒留给自己享用。As Hackett finishes preparing his latest batch, Cano arrives. He has driven up from San Luis Obispo to get a pony keg of pale ale for his own personal use.

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圣。路�思。欧比斯勃市拥有自己的机场,每天都有航班与洛杉矶、圣地亚哥、旧金山等城市联接。San Luis Obispo also has its own airport with daily flights on a several airlines to and from such cities ass Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco.

文森特和马可·奥比斯珀放眼眺望瓜达拉哈拉干旱的平原,我能看出来,他们正在重新构筑他们老照片上多彩的天堂。Vincente and Marco Obispo look out across Guadalajara's arid plains and I can see them struggling to recreate the technicoloured haven of their old family photographs.

太阳能。加州圣路易斯奥比斯波的居民反对在当地建设太阳能装置,因为他们担心这些设施会影响到野生动物及其栖居地。Solar power. Citizens have opposed solar plants in San Luis Obispo and San Bernadino in California because of worries about the facilities' impact on wildlife and wildlife habitat.

同时,我们也希望学生能有多姿多彩的生活,希望他们在课外时间探索一下学校和圣。路易思。欧比斯勃市乃至加洲的其他方面。We also want our students to be well-rounded people and have some time outside of their studies to explore other facets of the campus, the local San Luis Obispo community and California.

缘山是我们的加州产区品牌,葡萄主要来自加州中部沿海地带,亦有少部分源自希拉山麓和纳帕谷。Round Hill is our California appellation brand. The grapes for Round Hill come primarily from California's Central Coast Region, including the areas around Monterey, Paso Robles, and San Luis Obispo.

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这座隐蔽在圣路易斯•奥比斯波郡北部群山之中的综合建筑有165个房间,占地127英亩,有花园、游廊、水池、喷泉和小径,每年吸引大约80万名游客来到这里。Sheltered by the mountains in northern San Luis Obispo County, the complex of 165rooms and 127 acres of gardens, terraces, pools, fountains and footpaths draws approximately 800,000 visitors annually.