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你历史学得真不错。You've quite knowledgable about history.

他非常博学,而且对我们很严格。He is very knowledgable and quite strict with us.

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一个真正有学识的人知道自己的学识有限。A knowledgable man knows he has limited knowledge.

找一个有知识和充满鼓励的老师去帮助你。Find a knowledgable and encouraging teacher to help you.

你是说一个满腔热情,对电脑很在行的人?You mean a guy using enthusiastic knowledgable about computer?

每次我有一个问题,你在短时间内回应见地的回答了!Everytime I have a question you respond with a knowledgable answer in a short time!

他们和商业专家,律师和其他有见识的人进行交流。They talk to business experts, lawyers and other knowledgable knowledgeable people.

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Gene是一个博学的站长,我知道他会照顾好你们的。Gene is an incredibly knowledgable webmaster and I know he will take very good care of you.

仅仅因为你是美国人,并不能使你更好或更比其他人见地。Just because you're American, does not make you better or more knowledgable than anyone else.

除此之外,这家公司还有众多知识渊博的客服代表帮助顾客。Beyond this, the company also has plenty of knowledgable representatives on staff to help customers.

农民对他们的画不感兴趣,但他们知道这些人是通情达理有学问的人。The peasants were not interested in their art, but they knew these people were reasonable and knowledgable.

他们拥有好的资源可以利用,让他们变得有技能,并且知识渊博。They have the good resouces and they can make use of them, which help them to be skillful and knowledgable.

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城市和农村学生的营养知识知晓率差异无统计学意义。The difference of knowledgable rate of nutritional knowledge between two groups wasn't of statistical significance.

酒店前台的服务非常好,员工博学多识,会竭尽全力地满足你的每一条需求&每一个问题。Service at the door is great with very knowledgable staff that go out of their way to help with your every need & question.

女孩。为人善良,脾气不错。有涵养,气质要好。身材瘦长。至少精通一种乐器。至少精通一种体育运动。Female. Kind and good temper, knowledgable and elegant. and thin and tall. At least be good at one kind of instruments and sports.

“我们希望主题公园能帮助中国变得更加关注创新的和有趣的方式巧克力见地,”郑说。"We hope the theme park can help the Chinese become more knowledgable about chocolate in innovative and interesting ways, " Zheng said.

在我案子中,他们是善意的建议者,专业领域非常博学,但是他们就像我一样不了解我的婴儿。In my case, it would be those well-meaning advisers, who are very knowledgable in their specific areas of expertise, but can't know my baby like I do.

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一位受过良好训练,学养俱佳,负责重症病患照顾的重症专科医师是加护病房的关键人物。A well-trained, dedicated intensivist who is a knowledgable leader and is able to handle the care of critically ill patients is a key person in the ICU.

wiki上的编辑需要证明他们在对相应的主题有深入的了解,而且不因自己的偏见抹杀一些公认的事实。Editors at Wikipedia have to demonstrate they are both knowledgable on a subject and reliable enough that they won't sacrifice accepted truth for personal bias.

到处有有殷勤的服务,从你能选择的许多饭店的质量情况到聪明友善的员工们,这个酒店是世界一流的。There is attention to detail everywhere, from the quality of the many restaurants you can choose from, to the knowledgable and friendly staff, the hotel is world class.