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这�有男按摩师吗?Do you have a masseur here?

按摩师替我推拿背。The masseur kneaded my back.

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那个按摩师给我推拿了背。The masseur kneaded my back.

我不知道,你是按摩师吗?。I don't know. Are you a masseur?

您需要女按摩师还是男按摩师?。Do you need a masseuse or masseur?

我们的按摩师比利.麦柯克罗奇吓怕了外国球队!Our masseur Billy McCulloch scares the foreign lads!

男按摩师的办公室在走廊的尽头。The masseur ' s office is at the end of the passage.

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杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。Jack protested the' masseur was an unnecessary extravagance.

按摩师魔法式的手指在你的背上游走。The magic of a sensous massage lies in the hands of a masseur.

这应该能是柔肩者的”业余按摩“职业生涯画上一个句号。That should put an end to S. R. 's career as an amateur masseur.

男按摩师和女按摩师在人群中挤出一条通路。The masseur and the masseuse forced a passage through the crowd.

男按摩师和女按摩师将在舞台上演一个新戏。The masseur and the masseuse will stage a new play on the stage.

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男按摩师劝女按摩师不要选择戏剧表演作职业。The masseur advised the masseuse not to choose the stage as a career.

那个男按摩师和女按摩师在很年轻的时候就把老人照顾得很好。The masseur and the masseuse took good care of the aged at an early age.

男按摩师和女按摩师决定在舞台上举行总罢工。The masseur and the masseuse decided to stage a general strike on the stage.

走廊已经成为男按摩师和女按摩师约会的地方了。The passage has become the stage of dating for the masseur and the masseuse.

如果你能联系到好的中医按摩师也行,但要慎重。If you can link to a good masseur also Chinese medicine, but would carefully.

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那种蒸汽,热度,乃至神情严肃的男按摩师的手艺都无与伦比。The steam, the heat, and the battering you receive from a stern faced masseur.

按摩师给客人讲述有关足底按摩的一些基本常识。The masseur is talking about some basic knowledge of sole massage to the guest.

唯一陪在他身边的是他的好友和当年英格兰队里的按摩师,特里伯尼。His only company was his good friend and England masseur at the time, Terry Byrne.