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替我向托尼问好。Say hello to Tony.

托尼安慰了她。Tony comforts her.

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也许托尼就是亚洲人。Maybe Tony is Asian.

托尼瑟普拉诺死了嘛?Did Tony Soprano die?

我的托尼熊在哪儿?Where is my tony bear.

我们去看看汤尼吧!Let 's go and see Tony !

东尼看不太清楚。Tony can't see very well.

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汤尼想从事什么职业?What does Tony want to be?

托尼领洗时命名安东尼。Tony was christened Antony.

你叫什么名字?我叫东尼。What's your name? I'm Tony.

感谢戴贝发回的报道。Thanks Tony Dai report back.

是托尼,我没接。It was Tony. I didn't answer.

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尼娜和托尼都吃了一惊。Both Nina and Tony are stunned.

托尼随后还以拳打脚踢。Tony retaliated by kicking him.

喂!我是来自5E室的托尼梁。Hi! I'm Tony Liang from Flat 5E.

汤尼经常走路去学校。How does Tony often go to school?

所以说不可爱谢家华是不可能的。Itas impossible not to love Tony.

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托尼跌倒扭伤了踝部。Tony fell and wrenched his ankle.

谁能来帮帮拖车托尼?Who will help Tony the Tow Truck?

艾伦秀-谁邀东尼去舞会!Guess Who Invited Tony to the Prom!