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填好背面的表格。Complete the form overleaf.

请回答背面的问卷。Answer the questionnaire overleaf.

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请注意本页反面的规章。Please notice the regulations overleaf.

款项应按照背面所载的指示缴付。Payment should be made according to the instructions set out overleaf.

填表前请參考背页之申请注意事项。Please read the Notes for Application overleaf before completing this form.

请參考背页基金附表并填上基金代号。Please fill in the Fund Code by referring to the Fund Table printed overleaf.

以上在这里提到的条款和条件在下面和后一页中。Above and subject to the terms and conditions mentioned here under and overleaf.

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农民也反对撤销绿背纸币,反对恢复硬币支付,为此发起了绿背纸币运动。At that background, the movement of paper currency with green overleaf broke out.

本人已阅读并同意遵守表格背面所列之「条款及条件」。I have read the enrolment "terms and conditions" overleaf and agree to abide by them.

特殊条款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.

所有进一步的细节,说明我们的一般条件和商业条件接下。All further details are indicated in our general terms and business conditions overleaf.

宝来香港将就港股即时报价收取费用,收费详情载于背页。Fees will be charged for real-time quote of Hong Kong Stock, details are enclosed overleaf.

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此外,本人亦已参阅背页的重要事项,并同意遵守有关规例。I have also read the "Important Notes"overleaf and agree to abide by the related Regulations.

我们已收到你的职位申请书。你的申请人编号现印在背页。Your application for employment has been received and your candidate number is printed overleaf.

在监管期间,你须遵守本命令背页指明的条件。During such period, you shall comply with the conditions stipulated on the overleaf of this order.

将仅就港股即时报价收取费用,收费详情载于背页。Fees will be charged for real-time quotes of Hong Kong Stocks only, details are enclosed overleaf.

请參照背页之功能界别及选举委员会界别分组的名称。Please refer overleaf for the names of the functional constituency and Election Committee subsector.

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本人已详阅此申请表背页之申请须知并?解有关学费优惠之申请条款。I have read the notes to applicants overleaf and understand the terms of application for tuition fee discount.

请于填写及递交表格1A和表格2前,请细心阅读背页细则及填妥以下问题。Before completing & submit the Form 1A & 2, please read the notes overleaf and answer the following question carefully.

请于填写及递交表格1A和1B前细心阅读背页细则及填妥以下资料。Before you complete & submit Form 1A & 1B, please read the notes overleaf carefully and answer the following questions.