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真实和原始的街舞技艺。Real and raw Hiphop feat.

您是如何做到这一壮举的呢?How did you accomplish that feat?

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我离这样的壮举还有好几光年的距离呢。I was light-years from such a feat.

由于这一功绩,斯科尔兹内获得了许多勋章。The feat earned Skorzeny a hatful of medals.

由于这一功绩,斯科尔兹内获得了许多勋章。The feat earned skorzeny a hatful of medals.

最早发现花花壮举的是市民黄平汇。The first people who found Huahua's feat is Mr.

这对一件衣服来说是非常了不起的。This was no mean feat for an article of clothing.

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杂技演员的惊险动作使观众为之咋舌。The acrobat 's feat took the audience's breath away.

海伦斯凯尔顿是首位实现这一壮举的女性。Helen Skelton is the first woman to achieve the feat.

所有这一切都没有朝别人借钱,这真是了不起。All this without borrowing money. It was quite a feat.

最困难的事业往往得到最多的荣耀。The most difficult feat often gets the most accolades.

纵使当时没有劳顿和马修斯,对于英国人来说这也是毫无价值的壮举。Even without Lawton and Matthews. This was no mean feat.

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中国工农红军也曾在这里的雪山草地里书写壮举。The Red Army men once wrote down their heroic feat here.

但这些简单的任务对于机器人来说却是不小的壮举。These simple tasks are no small feat for a robot, however.

人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。Man's first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring.

当你创建一个1级角色的时候,你可以选择一个专长。When you create a 1st-level character, you select one feat.

那些球队最有可能在下赛季卷土重来杀进季后赛?Which teams are most likely to pull off the feat next season?

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月,一名杂技团演员在表演高空自行车走钢丝绝技。In July 2007, an acrobat cycles the high-wire – a stunning feat.

他和他的同事们使用五步方法完成了壮举。He and his colleagues achieved the feat using a five-step process.

对于那些早期急先锋而言,一次黑客行为是对编程能力的肯定。For these early pioneers, a hack was a feat of programming prowess.