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无论你在哪,都要会寻找乐趣。Make fun whenever you are.

你随时都可以到我家来作客。Visit us whenever you can.

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嗯,每当你攀岩的时候,Well, whenever you're climbing,

她每次见到他时就莞尔一笑。She smiles whenever she sees him.

每逢下雨屋顶就漏雨。The roof leaks whenever it rains.

我将隋时为你们服务。At your service whenever you like.

他一紧张起来说话就结结巴巴的。He stutters whenever he is nervous.

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每次遇见你时,我都心跳如麻!My heart beats whenever I meet you.

我究竟何时许过这样的诺言?Whenever did I make such a promise?

每次我开门的时候它就吱吱作响。It always creaks whenever I open it.

你什么时候想来见我都可以。Come and see me whenever you want to.

提起他我就生气。I get angry whenever he is mentioned.

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所以基本上我可以随时寻求帮助。So I can get help basically whenever.

每当我想起这些,我都会笑。Whenever I think about this, I smile.

每当我不高兴时,他总会给我鼓劲儿。Whenever I'm unhappy, he cheers me up.

路过时到舍下喝杯茶。Drop in for tea whenever you're passing.

你准备好了我们就开始。So whenever you are ready hit the space.

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当烟瘾来是请吸吮一根。Suck on one whenever a cig craving hits.

尽可能用书面形式交往。Use Written Messsages Whenever Possible.

不论何时看到他,我离开时都带着笑颜。Whenever I see him, I walk away smiling.