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雨无情地泼下来。Rain started to pour down relentlessly.

那母亲无情地抽打她的孩子。The mother belabored her child relentlessly.

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在屋顶不懈地追击Mannix。Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops.

他们见花就摘,毫不爱惜。They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see.

从缅因州到夏威夷,温度计的水银柱一直在孜孜不倦地爬升着。From Maine to Hawaii, the mercury has been rising relentlessly.

他永远都无情地嘲笑我的“呆子”气息、音乐品味。He teased me relentlessly for being a nerd, for my taste in music.

广告永无休止地向你狂轰乱炸,直到你让步为止——这样它就奏效了。The ads pound on you relentlessly until you give in —and it works.

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两只动物撕杀起来,彼此毫不留情地撕咬着对方的肉。The two animals fought, relentlessly tearing at each other’s flesh.

大风也无情地打击着我们,想尽办法想要把船弄翻。Wewere attacked relentlessly by winds that tried to topple it over.

他们无情地攻击那些被认为是异教徒的人。They relentlessly attacked others whom they believed to be heretical.

但是他们从未放弃过,不断努力反省自我、探寻真正的自己。Yet they never gave up, relentlessly soul-searching and seeking the true self.

如果你有处理危险情况的良好的擒拿技巧,请你看到打斗结果无情的一面。Once you have a good hold of a situation, focus on it relentlessly for results.

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但是你能或是应该在听完后,“尖锐”地提出你的结论。But you can and should relentlessly question your own conclusions after listening.

但这些问题将会在今后不断地遭到质问。But these are all questions which will be more relentlessly interrogated in future.

这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

你心里一定想老师是笑面虎,方法当然是狠狠。Your heart will certainly Xiaomianhu teacher is, of course, we should relentlessly.

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因为其虚弱的银行体系,中国尤其受到美国无情的压榨。China in particular was hectored relentlessly on the weakness of its banking system.

由于行为作派与当地不同,他被无情地戏弄,渐渐开始在学校闹事。He was teased relentlessly there for his foreign ways and began to act out in school.

自我探索无情地暴露出我的陋习和虚伪。The self-inquiry worked relentlessly to expose my conditioned behavior and hypocrisy.