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这意指满州必须收回。This means that Manchuria must be regained.

俄国正通过满洲向朝鲜推进。Russia was pushing down through Manchuria to Corea.

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蒋在满洲的败局明明是无法挽回的。For Chiang's position in Manchuria was irretrievable.

在中国东北,彭德怀得知此事之后大为恼火。In Manchuria , Peng Dehuai was furious when he learned this.

中国不承认满洲国也无法收复满洲。China neither recognized Manchukuo nor was able to recover Manchuria.

神歌是满族萨满文化研究的对象。The Spiritual Songs are the objects of studying Manchuria Shaman Culture.

满洲地区的蒋军士兵已经不愿意再在旧中国生活下去了。The soldiers in Manchuria did not want to live any longer in the Old China.

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他们清醒地知道日本人在满洲里和山东的所作所为。They realize acutely what the Japanese have done in Manchuria and Shantung.

最后日本占了上风,并在1931年把满洲纳入其帝国范围之内。The Japanese prevailed, and in 1931, they made Manchuria part of their empire.

现在局势确很危急,蒋介石亲自飞来满洲督战。That emergency was now on them and the generalissimo , himself, flew to Manchuria.

南满和中国东部铁路仍然在俄罗斯的控制下。The Northern Manchuria and the Chinese Eastern Railway remained under Russian control.

以前中国东北有一位常仁大师,未出家前人家都尊称他「王孝子」。The Great Master Chang-Ren was known as Filial Son Wang in Manchuria before he left home.

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日本侵占中国“南满”迫使苏联势力退出“北满”。After occupying South Manchuria of China, Jan forced USSR to retreat from North Manchuria.

高句丽建国于公元前三***年,源于满州和北韩的几个不断进行着战争的部落。Koguryo was established in 37 BC from several warring tribes in Manchuria and North Korea.

在旧地图上,这地方叫做外满洲,或者更形象地说,东鞑靼。On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary.

高丽的最后一位国王企图进攻满州以夺回高句丽从前的领土。The last king of Koryo attempted to invade Manchuria to regain the rest of Koguryo territory.

其中,来自满洲东北部的紫貂皮尤其受到喜爱。The black sable fur from the northeastern side of Manchuria was especially loved by the people.

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“算了!”,来自一个中国东北最北部的大城市,哈尔滨市的一个中国人傲慢地说。"Nah, " one man, who said he was from Harbin in the far north of Manchuria , said dismissively.

从此,他便控制了在名为中华民国统治而实为自治的满洲里。From then on he controlled Manchuria as a virtually autonomous state within the Chinese republic.

日俄战争后,日俄分别加强对南、北满洲的渗透。After the Russia-Japan war, Russia and Japan intensify penetration into South and North Manchuria.