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比尔2002年去世,现在马克西妮已经90岁了。He died in 2002. Maxine is now 90.

在今天的节目里,皮特打电话给Maxine想恢复谈判。In today's listening, Peter calls Maxine back to restart talks.

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这是星期天傍晚麦卡西塞蒂洛对警察调度员说的第一句话。Those were Maxine Sedillo's first words to police dispatchers Sunday night.

我发现很难相信马克辛意识到她缺乏人际关系技巧。I find it hard to believe that Maxine is unaware that she lacks people skills.

马克辛机关枪光枪身就重30磅,使用的三脚架还更重一些。Maxine frame light machine guns on the weight 30 pounds, tripod use some more weight.

玛克辛是非常傲慢无礼的人因为她憎恨接替你的工作所以才会表现如此。Maxine is being insolent because she resents covering for you and behaves accordingly.

她写过7本书和不计其数的序言、论文和散文。Maxine Greene has written seven books and too many prefaces, articles, and essays to count.

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美国华裔女作家汤亭亭的作品弥漫着强烈的互文意识。In Asia American woman writer Maxine Hong Kingston's works, there is a strong sense of intertextuality.

代表洛杉矶中南区的众议员麦克辛.沃特斯陪同我视察了暴乱破坏的地区。And I toured the damaged areas with Maxine Waters, who represented South Central Los Angeles in Congress.

青春,是亭亭绿树般的年龄,白色小马般的年龄,海燕的翅膀般的年龄。Youth, is the tree-like Maxine Hong Kingston's age, a white pony like the age, like the wings of petrels age.

麦克辛是一位精明能干的政客,尽管与杰西.杰克逊是老朋友,但她很早就表态支持我。Maxine was a smart, tough politician who had endorsed me early, despite her long friendship with Jesse Jackson.

汤亭亭的作品深受民权运动、女权主义以及后现代创作手法的影响。Maxine Hong Kingston's work is deeply affected by the civil rights movement, feminism as well as the postmodernism.

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当地治安官发言人玛克辛·特拉汉说,死者是一名21岁的女性,所住房屋被倒下的树木砸中。Maxine Trahan sheriff spokesman said the deceased was a 21-year-old woman, lived in houses were hit on fallen trees.

作为华裔作家,汤亭亭、谭恩美大量运用中国民间故事来为她们的小说服务。As Chinese American writers, Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan use Chinese resources and folktales to serve for their works.

本文尝试引形式主义叙事学入该作,将形式叙事技巧研究与女性身份问题研究相结合,以揭示作品中女主人公的身份演变历程。The present study purposes to contribute formalistic narratology to the study of female identity in Maxine Hong Kingstons Woman Warrior.

当我回来时,客户们和员工们经常评论说玛克辛的给人印象深刻的是对客户不予关注的,无用的,粗鲁的,并且仅仅令人非常痛苦。When I return to my desk, clients and employees often comment that Maxine comes across as uncaring , unhelpful, rude and just plain miserable.

除了巴克利先生外,参与这次木乃伊制作的专家还包括乔安·弗莱切博士,马克辛·科和法医病理学家彼得·维纳兹。As well as Dr Buckley, the team of experts behind the mummification included Dr Joann Fletcher, Maxine Coe and forensic pathologist Peter Vanezis.

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在国会,麦克辛·沃特斯,我们最没有偏见的议员之一,和保守的预算委员会主席约翰·卡西克共同推动这一项工作。In the House, the effort was being pushed by Maxine Waters, one of our most liberal members, and conservative Budget Committee chairman John Kasich.

引言部分将介绍汤亭亭的生平和她的主要作品,以及评论界对她的两个主要争议。In the introduction, the thesis will introduce Maxine Hong Kingston's profile, her famous works and two main controversies about her from the critical circle.

汤亭亭的小说首次出版于二十世纪70年代,好评如潮,作品以中国非法移民的女儿成长在加州为主线展开。Maxine Hong Kingston's memoir of growing up in California as the daughter of illegal Chinese immigrants was greeted rapturously when first published in the 1970s.