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X一代倾向于个人主义。Generation X tends to individualism.

本位主义是放大了的个人主义。Departmentalism is magnified individualism.

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爱默生同样也被视为个人主义的主要倡导人。He was also regarded as a chief leader of individualism.

他们的个人主义表现为享乐思想。Their individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking.

资产阶级思想的表现。This is a manifestation of petty-bourgeois individualism.

同时也体现了个人主义。It's like a lot of individualism at the same time as well.

西方人实行的是“个人分餐制”。Occidental advocate individualism and independence is strong.

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李维斯,我觉得这条裤子很酷,显示出了个人主义和自由精神。Levis. I think it isprettyc001. It shows individualism and freedom.

奥尼尔戏剧是关于奉行个体主义的人的悲剧。O'Neill's plays represent tragic heroes who believe in individualism.

最后,笔者总结了在“小妇人”新女性个人主义。At last the author summarizes the new women individualism in Little Women.

首先,阶级作为首位意识必须被提升为个人主义的解毒剂。First, the primacy of class must be promoted as an antidote to individualism.

对于数百万美国人而言,摩托车象征着自由,这是一种粗陋的个人主义精神。For millions of Americans motorcycles represent freedom, rugged individualism.

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因而,它真正超越了拜金主义、享乐主义和个人主义。Therefore, it oversteps the money worship, the hedonism and the individualism.

不要将美国国民性中的实用主义和个人主义绝对化。Nationals of the United States not to the absolute individualism and pragmatism.

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

为了比较全面的认识个人主义,本文对如何个人主义进行了初步的思考和研究。So, this paper will give advices on how to carry forward or abnegate individualism.

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同一认定原理是侦查学的特定基础理论。The theory of individualism is the specific basic theory of criminal investigation.

但在关于落后者的批判中,也隐含了对“合理利己主义”原则的否定。But there was negation to "reasonable individualism" in animadversion to stragglers.

在其作品中袒露出非主流思想的个人主义倾向。He expressed a non-mainstream thinking of the tendencies of individualism in his works.