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有些人喜欢在获奖时发表一个深情的获奖感言。Some people like to make a gushy acceptance speech when they win awards.

尽管通常对过于装腔作势旳称赞会感到不快,但他们需要被称赞。They need to be praised, although they are usually uncomfortable with "gushy" praise.

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尽管通常对过于装腔作势的称赞会感到不快,但他们需要被称赞。They need to be praised, although they are usually uncomfortable with " gushy " praise.

你或许会想到当你吃饭的时候,我们日常见到的动物在餐盘中看着我们。You might have thoughts of gushy animals on the plates with their eyes still looking at you.

在我们的研究中,男人跟女人同样情感丰富——而且在某些方面,男人要比女人更感性。In our survey, the guys were nearly as gushy as the women -- and in some areas, gushed even more.

微微走神的周继君没有注意到老者眼中溢出的那几丝戾气。Is tiny to hike the divine week didn't notice the old eyes after the gentleman gushy of that several silks are foul air.

微微走神的周继君没有注意到老者眼中溢出的那几丝戾气。Is tiny to walk the divine week didn't notice the old eyes after the gentleman gushy of that several silks are foul atmosphere.

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周一,周二是浪漫的,但不要感情冲动。这里的浪漫涉及玩游戏和开怀大笑。Monday and Tuesday are romantic, but not in a gushy way. They're romantic in a way that involves playing games and laughing hysterically.

而后煮沸、漂白、晾干这些骨殖,并抽去骨髓——她形容这是“最触动感情的工序”,最后再将骨头封上一层聚氨酯外壳。Then she boiled, bleached, and dried the bones, drilling out the marrow to remove, as she described it, "the gushy parts." A coat of urethane sealed them shut.

而后煮沸、漂白、晾干这些骨殖,并抽去骨髓——她形容这是“最触动感情的工序”,最后再将骨头封上一层聚氨酯外壳。Then she boiled, bleached, and dried the bones, drilling out the marrow to remove, as she described it, "the gushy parts. " A coat of urethane sealed them shut.