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画黑色的烟熏妆。Draw black sootiness makeup.

如此一来,漂亮刺眼的烟熏妆就诞生了。Come so, beautiful and dazzling sootiness makeup was born.

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在画小烟熏的时候一定要注意层次感,以免变成熊猫眼。Must notice when drawing small sootiness administrative levels feels, lest turn panda into the eye.

牙齿被香烟熏黄了,可以到医院去做漂白手术吗,要多少钱呀?The tooth was fizzled out by sweet sootiness , can be done to the hospital blanch an operation, how many money to want?

眼妆和唇妆只能夸张一方,所以用小烟熏眼配浅色晶亮嘴唇。Eye makeup and lip makeup can exaggerative one party, match bright lip of light color brilliant with small sootiness eye so.

少喝奶茶,因为高热量,高油、没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用盐腌,烟熏,烧烤的食物。Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie , high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt , sootiness and barbecue food.

若受烟熏而使部分墙纸变黄,则宜用稀释烧碱液擦拭。Be like suffer sootiness and make partial wall paper becomes yellow, criterion appropriate is wiped with fluid of attenuant caustic soda.

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怡人的深色水果芬芳及精致的烟熏味,弥漫于红果与深色水果的醇美果味之中。This wine has a nice rich color, a wonderful nose of dark fruits with sootiness , extracted red fruit flavors with black fruits in the background.

本文以火焰中热量和炭颗粒的生成规律为基础,提出了描述通风影响的聚合物燃烧火焰辐射近似模型。An approximate model for predicting flame radiation in both well-and under-ventilated polymer combustion is proposed on the basis of estimation of heat release and flame sootiness.

我们将会免费教导你们如何认识化妆品,如何运用技巧,如何利用手上的化妆品来为新娘化美妆,晚装,烟熏妆等等。We will teach you how to understand the free cosmetics, how to use the skills, how to use the hand of cosmetics for the bride of beauty makeup, evening-dress, sootiness makeup, etc.

至于选择炉灶方面,则必须考虑避免烟熏火燎,一个高效的煤气炉和良好通风设施的抽油烟机都是必要的。As to respect of choice cooking range, must consider to avoid sootiness fire burn, of an efficient gas furnace and good and ventilated establishment taking lampblack chance is necessary.

烟熏妆画法其实很简单,掌握技巧后下班参加派对时,用来掩饰疲惫可是一级棒的噢!Sootiness makeup brushwork actually very simple, after mastering skill, come off work when attending a clique to be opposite, use those who but one level is strong, conceal exhaustion Oh!

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其酒色呈琥珀色,口味中布满迷人的烟熏味,混合了新鲜的水果味和丰富的果子味,其中还可以品尝出浓郁的香草味。Its debauchery is shown amber, attractive sootiness flavour is full of in taste, mixed new fruit ingredient and rich fruit ingredient, still can sample among them a full-bodied sweetgrass flavour.