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声誉证例文我们已开出以贵方为受益人的保兑声誉证。We nave opened a confirmed credit in your favour.

如果天平过分偏向希望,我们就可能变得天真与不现实。If they go too far toward hopefulness , we can become nave and unrealistic.

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一般用柱子或开了门洞的墙将前廊与中堂分隔开。The narthex is usually separated from the nave by columns or a pierced wall.

正厅的后方向室外的台地打开,可以看到远处小山的景色。The back of the nave opens toward a terrace with a full view of the hillside.

清凉的溪水从我张开的手指间流过,我感到由衷的喜悦。I am delighted to nave the cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers.

正在施工的垂着的工人拱顶中央形成了一个天秤的形状。Rappelling workers lend a sense of scale to the church's central nave vaulting.

你可以有你想要的“任何东西”,但不可能得到你想要的一切。You can nave "anything" you want, but you can not get "everything" you desired.

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萧邦的心脏被保存在这教堂里。是在左手边的第二个柱子里。Chopin's heart is preserved in the second pillar on the left-hand side of the main nave.

我用自己紧张的外人眼光,看着这座教堂的中殿和走道,这里可以容纳14,000位敬拜者。I behold, with strained peripheral vision, the nave and aisles that hold 14,000 worshippers.

中堂于1376年开始改建,间断地持续至都铎时代。The rebuilding of the nave was begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

两个基路伯张开翅膀,共长二十肘,面向外殿而立。The wings of these cherubim extended twenty cubits. The cherubim stood on their feet, facing the nave.

我国改革中这几方面的条件都在不同程度上做到了。In the reforms of China, conditions of there several aspects nave all be achieved to some different extent.

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配置高级聚胺脂,高抗磨的静音设计,有效的避免了曲柄及床面的损坏。Dispose polyurethane and high strength resistant wear and teat wheels with non-noise, the bed nave flexibly.

由参与游憩活动的本地居民和外来游客共同构成城市游憩者。Recreationists consist of those who nave uesd urban recreational facilities, no matter local resident or not.

国际谈判商对于目标国和全球商业环境都应具备高技能。International negotiators must Nave expertise in the target country as well as in the global business environment.

水师府为二进式院落,每进有正厅和东西厢房各一,且有回廊相连结。The Navy 's two into a courtyard, each with the nave and east-west wing of the one, and the corridors are connected.

早前,在人群的簇拥下,便衣的警卫保护教宗进入教堂的中央大殿。Earlier, plain-clothed security men followed the Pope as he walked in procession up the central nave of the basilica.

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我们给宠坏了,总是指望全世界的人都讲我们的语言。我觉得美国人在这方面很幼稚。We are pretty spoiled and expect everyone to speak our language. And I think Americans are nave about how to go about it.

唱诗班停止歌唱,人群口呆目瞪,梵蒂冈警卫跑过中央大殿堂去看发生了什么事。The choir stopped singing and the crowd gasped as Vatican security men ran down the central nave to see what had happened.

在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave.