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我原谅爱德华的所有根本过错。I acquit Edward of all essential misconduct.

父亲由于儿子行为不轨而责罚他。The father chastised his son for his misconduct.

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儿子的行为不检,让他伤透了心。He was stabbed to the heart by his son's misconduct.

那军官因行为不端被削去了军衔。The officer was stripped of his rank for misconduct.

青年党则控告援助机构存在偏见和不当的行为。Al Shabab accuses the agencies of bias and misconduct.

他因品行不端而被逐出会。He was expelled from the society owing to his misconduct.

当然,过去也发生过玷污奥运会的不端行为。Misconduct had tainted the Olympic Games before, of course.

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她说了些暗示你儿子行为不轨的话。She made some remarks in allusion to your son's misconduct.

如果工人有不端行为或恶劣的表现会受到什麽处分?。How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance?

性剥削和性凌虐为严重失检行为。Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute serious misconduct.

首先,我不能容忍骚扰或任何其它形式的不正当行为。First, I will not tolerate harassment or any other form of misconduct.

相反,在西方,学者的不端行为属于个人事件。In contrast, in the West, misconduct of a scholar is a personal affair.

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议员猛烈抨击了总统的胡作非为。The congressman launched a strong attack on the president's misconduct.

该项法律还规定,禁止行贿受贿和失职渎职行为。It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct.

传闻中她曾是一个暴力少女,有着不良的斗殴记录。She was rumored to be violent and she has a misconduct record for fighting.

香港市场失当行为审裁处拒绝就此案的详情进一步置评。The Market Misconduct Tribunal declined further comment on details of the case.

法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.

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另一位指控特朗普行为不端的2001年选美选手是塔莎•迪克森。The other 2001 beauty contestant to accuse Trump of misconduct was Tasha Dixon.

然而,法律似乎倾向于不计较银行的不端行为。And still, law enforcement seems inclined to let off banks for their misconduct.

因为可能因之引起的错误的指控会毁灭他们的职业生涯。False allegations of misconduct can have a truly devastating impact on a career.