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一朵谢了的花。A faded flower.

战争的创伤慢慢地消失了。Slowly the war scars faded.

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最后黄昏退入了黑夜中。Finally dusk faded to night.

阳光晒得挂毯褪了色。Sunlight faded the tapestry.

阳光把挂毯晒得褪了色。Sunshine faded the tapestry.

船慢慢地在雾中消失了。The ship faded into the fog.

星星渐渐地从天空中消失了。Stars faded out from the sky.

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她的脸色变成灰色。Her face faded away into grey.

一个颜色变成了另一种颜色。One colour faded into another.

他们消失在地平线上了。They faded out in the horizon.

那些窗帘退色退得很厉害。Those curtains are badly faded.

他穿着退色的蓝色牛仔裤。He was wearing faded blue jeans.

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三天后玫瑰枯萎了。The roses faded after three days.

尔后突然之间它黯淡下来。Then, just as suddenly, it faded.

和平解决的希望成为泡影。Hopes of a peace settlement faded.

瓶中的花凋了。The flowers in the vase have faded.

但如今我不再有这种顾虑了。But now this concern has faded away.

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她生了病,身体便慢慢地衰弱下去。She became ill and slowly faded away.

四年之前,我们遁入幕后。Four years ago, we faded into shadows.

你的声音在我心中久久回绕。The sound in my mind never faded away.