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VLAN是网络界最为热门同时也是最使人感到迷惑的话题。About the network, VLAN is a topic which is both most attactive and baffling.

基于用户标识VLAN是将用户标识直接作为VLAN划分依据的VLAN实现模式。User identity-based VLAN is the VLAN mode which associates the VLAN division with the user identity directly.

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最后,完成了具有支持可堆叠VLAN功能的交换机,并进行了长、短帧的测试。In the meantime, the switch based on stackable VLAN is put into practice, and test for long and short frames is performed.

VLAN技术的出现使得组网变得更加灵活,但当内部网络不安全时,会带来副作用。The using of VLAN make it flexible in planning compus network, but it would result side effect when the intranets are not safety.

在执行这些命令之前,每一个交换机和路由器都要确认它们支持VLAN封装。Before any of these commands are implemented, each router and switch should be checked to see which VLAN encapsulations they support.

基于策略的VLAN技术在保证了VLAN本身的灵活性的同时,又为网络的安全管理提供了有效的技术手段。Policy-based VLAN can supply an effect method on safety management of network and remain its flexible particularity in the same time.

到达目的地端所接的交换器时,这个含有VLAN编号的表头就会被拿掉,然后将封包传给目的地的设备。Upon reaching the destination node the VLAN ID is removed from the packet by the adjacent switch and forwarded to the attached device.

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当网路上VLAN的数量增加时,这种需要佔用路由器一个实体界面的连接方式很快就受到限制。As the number of VLANs increases on a network, the physical approach of having one router interface per VLAN quickly becomes unscalable.

交换器和网管软件中被增加的智能也能用于帮助自动定义整个企业内的VLAN配置。Increased intelligence on switches and in network management software can also be used to help automatically define VLAN configurations across the enterprise.

若是工程部门VLAN的1号工作站想要送封包给同一个工程部门VLAN的2号工作站。则此封包的目的地实体位址就是2号工作站的实体位址。If Workstation 1 on the Engineering VLAN wants to send a frame to Workstation 2 on the same VLAN, the destination MAC address of the frame is that of Workstation 2.

ISL是一个协定,它可以维护流经交换器之间传输的VLAN资讯。使用ISL时,乙太网路讯框会再度被封装,并配置一个具有VLAN识别码的标头。ISL is a protocol that maintains VLAN information as traffic flows between the switches. With ISL, an Ethernet frame is encapsulated with a header that contains a VLAN ID.

数据层面在向本地AC广播的时候不仅要向同VLAN的AC广播,还要向本地有互通关系的其他VLAN广播。Data Layer does not only send broadcast packets to local AC and other ACs within one VLAN simultaneously, but also to other VLANs that have intercommunication relationships.

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按照自律分散系统多波组的概念将每个VLAN作为局级TDCS系统数据域的一个多播组,可以完成不同类型信息的处理及管理。According to the concept of MG in ADS system, each VLAN is a MG of data field of railway administration TDCS, complete different types of information processing and management.

本文分析了WLAN中存在的安全问题,并提出了相应的解决策略,对于WLAN的设计具有较高的参考价值。The security problems of the WLAN are anglicized in this paper. The relative resolution schemes are put forward, as a result, it has better reference value for project of VLAN.

将虚拟网技术和交换技术结合应用于网络设计当中,通过支持多种通信协议,实现医院管理的信息网络化。Applying VLAN and switching technology to the network design and supporting various communication protocols, the high usability of hospital information management can be realized.

按照实验室网络设计的环境和要求,介绍了基于三层交换机VLAN的设计方案,并分析了具体实施的问题。According to the circumstance and requirement for network design, this paper introduced the design based on VLAN of third layer switch and analyzed some problems in the application.

介绍了在城市火灾自动报警监控管理网络系统中采用配有多个网卡的工业控制计算机实现VLAN的方法。This article introduces a method of realizing VLAN using an industry computer with some network interface cards in VLAN in City Fire Automatical Alarm Detection Management Network System.

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为了分隔大的广播域,最有效的方法就是将一个完整的网络划分为多个能够隔离广播的子网络,这就是虚拟局域网VLAN的划分技术。Great for separating the broadcasting domain, the most effective way is a complete network can be divided into multiple isolated broadcast sub-networks, which is the division of VLAN technology.

为了解决当前一些CMTS和CM产品在HFC网中使用时,暴露出一个安全性方面的问题,受VLAN技术诸多功能的启发,我们希望在HFC网络中引入VLAN的功能来解决这个问题。As VLAN technology has these advantages, we hope to introduce its functions in HFC network to solve the security problems that exist in our CMTS and CM products when they are used in HFC network.