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但是现在开始有些烦人了。But this is starting to get bothersome.

不过,这样的轻敲肯定是极其恼人的了。Of course, those taps were extremely bothersome.

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所以David,Smith这个案例并不棘手。So the David Smith case isn't really bothersome.

这是非常扰民,使我非常烦躁。It's very bothersome and makes me very irritable.

然而,第二个问题更加棘手。However, the second problem is even more bothersome.

当你烧得太厉害时,饮用热姜茶。Drink hot ginger tea when your fever gets too bothersome.

任何卷入武装冲突的国家,都是因为太令彼此讨厌了。Anyone involved in an armed conflict, for being so bothersome.

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咳嗽在晚上尤其麻烦,因为它会影响睡眠。It is particularly bothersome at night because it disrupts sleep.

另一方面,持久性似乎是个很麻烦的问题。Persistence, on the other hand, seems to be considered a bothersome issue.

当糟糕的事过去之后,它似乎没有在我们前面时那么麻烦。When the bad is behind us, that seems less bothersome than when the bad is in front of us.

该书最有趣的部分就在标题为“处理麻烦问题”上。Among the most interesting sections in the book is one labeled "managing bothersome problems."

这个孩子真是让人伤脑筋,不好好读书,到处惹事生非!This kid is really bothersome , he fritters away time on stirring up trouble instead of studying!

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我真是烦到底里。如果长大了会失去我以前拥有的所有…那就算成熟又能怎么样?…I really am bothersome in. If grew up has been able to lose me before had all. How can that mature?.

但对少数女性来说,早泄则是非常麻烦的事情——甚至比男性早泄还要严重。But for a small portion of women, it is more than bothersome — it’s as serious a concern as it is in men.

好好听,噢,想象一下把所有的烦脑都抛掉,大声的对它们喊,再见!Good pleasant to hear, oh, imagines all bothersome brain all jettisoning , loud shouted to them, goodbye!

在多缸或多马达液压系统中,液压同步是一个需要解决的问题。Hydraulic synchronization in hydraulic systems of multi-cylinders and multi-motors is a bothersome problem.

从本质上来看,短期合同太嫌麻烦之时,企业的任务就是签订长期合同。A firm is essentially a device for creating long-term contracts when short-term contracts are too bothersome.

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住在对街的诺瓦克说,巴毕克的装饰吸引的车潮令人困扰,但还可以忍受。Jessie Novak, who lives across the street, said the traffic drawn to Babick's display is bothersome but tolerable.

他们找出了干扰听觉的漏音路径,并进一步想出一个妙计来消除它。The engineers identified the bothersome cross-talk pathways and invented an ingenious system for eliminating them.

它们太过细微而未受遏止,但同时也足够令人困扰而阻碍你发挥所有的潜能。They are small enough to go unchecked, but bothersome enough to get in the way of you living your fullest potential.