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我的吻?My kiss?

我说亲而已!I said kiss it!

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为什么我们要接吻?Why do we kiss?

舌吻。The tongue kiss.

来亲亲他吧。Come and kiss him.

斯佳丽,吻吻我。Scarlett, kiss me.

他给了她一个飞吻。He blew her a kiss.

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你也得吻吻我,弗兰克!Kiss me too, Frank!

他向她送了一个飞吻。He threw her a kiss.

吻我,我是巨人!Kiss me I'm gnomish!

吸吮的亲吻。The lip-sucking kiss.

好想你吻吻我啊!I miss you kiss me ah!

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伊奥迦南,我要吻你的嘴唇。I will kiss thy mouth.

寻找真爱之吻。A kiss for love's sake.

然后,以吻封缄。And sealed with a kiss.

安米,过来亲我一下”。Come and kiss me, baby.

吻卧冬我是侏儒!Kiss me , I'm gnomish !

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吻我,我是巨人!Kiss meand I'm gnonish!

并偷赱一弍轻吻。And steal a kiss or two.

全聚于一个女孩的一吻。In the kiss of one girl.