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像摇篮般晃动。Rockin' like a cradle.

吉兰丹马来文化的摇篮。Cradle of Malay Culture!

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婴儿安睡在摇篮中。The baby slumbered in his cradle.

小猪仔轻轻的晃着摇篮。The little pig rocked the cradle.

埃及是文明的发祥地。Egypt is the cradle of civilization.

妈妈将我在摇篮里轻摇。My mama would rock me in the cradle.

月亮就会亏缺,来为他做一张摇篮。The moon wanes to make him a cradle.

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它过去曾是文明的发源地。It used to be a cradle of civilization.

摇啊摇摇篮,宝贝儿,摇篮是绿色的的。Rock-a-bye, 5 baby, thy cradle is green.

黄河是中国文化的发源地。Huanghe is the cradle of Chinese culture.

婴儿在摇篮里被摇得入睡了。The baby was rocked asleep in the cradle.

婴儿在摇篮里被摇得睡着了。The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle.

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他把牵引支架固定在船体上。He fixed the towing cradle round the hull.

他把听筒猛力往支架上放下。He jammed the receiver down on the cradle.

风儿轻轻吹,摇篮轻轻摇。When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

海河,孕育了天津这座城市奔放且坦荡的本性。Haihe River, breeds up the cradle of Tianjin.

希腊是西方文明的策源地。Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.

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萧山是浙江文明的发源地。Xiaoshan is the cradle of Zhejiang civilization.

这就是一生一世。This is from cradle to the grave one a life time.

嗯,支干断掉时,摇篮就垮了。Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.