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同时,体重和生育次数可以影响妇女骨密度值。At the same time, weight and procreative times affected bone mass as well.

冲压生产﹐虽是传统工业﹐但仍具有很大的发展前景。Though punch procreative is tradition industry, but its developing view is wide.

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从而为实际生产的助卷辊位置控制和压力控制提供了可靠的依据。So it can provide a credible criterion for actual procreative control of pressure and position.

人们对性奉行沉默法则,具有生育能力的合法夫妻才可窃窃私语。On the subject fo sex, silence became the rule. The legitimate and procreative couple laid down the law.

据此,探讨了在油田生产工况下的热泵性能。On these grounds , the writer probed into heat pump performance of the oilfield procreative circumstances.

福特主义和后福特主义是两种与传统的资本主义有着极大区别的生产方式。On the procreative mode, Fordism and post-Fordism is brightly discriminated from the traditional capitalistic.

如果人们以各种不同方式使双方愉悦满意,充足的生殖性行为就会使得这个物种更好地繁衍下去。If people are pleasuring each other in many different ways, enough procreative sex will occur to propagate the species.

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这是一种撕裂,既尴尬又辛酸,反映了原生态的市民生活有着强大的精神生殖力。This kind of avulsion was embarrassed and suffering as well as the strong spiritual procreative power from the original citizen life.

这样的社会通常过分强调性的生育功能,而且阻止所有形式的性快乐,尤其反对妇女有性快乐。Such societies usually put a heavy emphasis on the procreative function of sex and discouraged all sexual pleasure, especially in women.

本论文在绪论里主要介绍了样品制造在冲压生产中的概况与发展状况。In the introduction of this paper, probing into the general situation and developing status of the sample making in the punch procreative.

后现代主义在文学理论领域中的建设作用表现在促进研究范式的更新从而促进文论知识生产方式的转变。The building action of post-modernism exhibit to promote rebirth of investigative pattern and change of procreative mode of literary knowledge.

本文对盐酸四环素项目废溶媒回收工艺进行了研究与开发。This article focuses on the study and improves of the contaminative menstruum return technics of tetracycline hydrochloride procreative process.

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通过检测鸡血清酶的活性,来研究抓捕应激对鸡血清酶活性的影响及VE抗抓捕应激的效果。Study procreative capability of blood caused by seizing stress and the anti-stress function of VE by checking the enzyme activity in blood serum.

介绍了其工作原理、结构特点、主要零部件的结构及电机的选取。该机结构简单,操作方便,能满足当前生产需要,具有良好的市场前景。The structure of the machine is simple and handle advantageous, It is fit of procreative demand nowadays and take on a good marketable foreground.

结合环境激素的概念、分类,以及对人类和动物生殖机能的影响,着重探讨了环境激素作用的机理。Emphasizes the conception, classification, the effect of procreative enginery of human and animals, and discusses the mechanism of environmental hormone.

结论加强育龄妇女生殖生育方面的健康教育,提高卫生保健水平,是控制妇女宫颈糜烂的关键。Conclusions Improving procreative health education and enhancing health care of birthing age women is the key to control the morbidity rate of cervical erosion.

首先,通过不同基质配比、生根粉种类和浓度等生产试验,找出使植株营养生长和生殖生长一致性表现最好的生产条件。Through different medium formula, different hormone and concentration experiments, the best condition for the great consistency of vegetative and procreative growth was found.

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目的观察健康生育期妇女子宫、卵巢动脉在正常月经周期中血流动力学变化规律与特点,以作为判断临床疾病的血流参数。Objective Uterin and ovarian artery hemodynamics was observed in normal ovulatory cycle of procreative women, in order to get blood stream parameter to estimate pelvic disease.

目的探索如何改善育龄残疾妇女生殖健康的方法,做好计划生育、优生优育。Objective To investigate the methods how to improve condition of procreative health of childbearing disabled women for planned parenthood and good procreation and good education.

目的了解不同教育程度的未婚高校女生的生殖健康状况,为高校医疗机构开展生殖保健服务提供依据。Objective To understand the status and requirements of procreative health among unmarried female university students, and to provide evidence for procreative health care in university.