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请不要推别人。Please don't push.

不要把孩子压得太狠。Don't push the child.

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请不要推我!Please don't push me.

小颠推了我一把。Bumpy gives me a push.

别把我推向海市蜃楼。Do not push my mirage.

别推我!Don't push against me!

你来推,我来拉。You push and Ill pull.

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你推我拉。You push and I'll pull.

别逼得他太狠了。Don't push him too hard.

按钮开关易控制。Easy push button switch.

别推别的小冤家。Don't push other children.

请不要推别人。Don't push others, please.

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请把门推严。Please push the door shut.

不要推你的同班同学!Don't push your classmates!

保持住,把它们推回去。Maintain and push them back.

请推门,不要拉。Push the door , do not pull.

我的人你们也敢动。My person dares to also push.

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肯定挤破头了。Push broken head for certain.

但我们也有反击的手段。But we have ways to push back.

开进去按这个按钮。Drive in and push this button.