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生活无从解释,所以别再试着去解释它,就这样活下去吧。Life is unexplainable. So, don't try to explain it. Just live it.

去年的决赛很非同一般而且也没法解释,你知道。Last year's final was just remarkable and unexplainable , you know.

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这就可以解释过去那些年里你无法解释的事情了。This may explain many unexplainable events over the last few years.

所以我们最终还能取得胜利,这真的无法解释。So for us to come out with this win, it's just really unexplainable.

上星期,我无法解释的对我橱柜里所有的东西过敏。Last week, I had an unexplainable allergy to everything in my closet.

而且出于某些无法解释的原因,他们不会在学校里教授这些知识。And for some unexplainable reason they don’t teach these things in school.

当我们遇见我们的伴侣的时候,是我们之间无法解释的联系。This is an unexplainable connection between us when we meet our soul mate.

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问题在于,艺术正如艺术家的灵魂——宽广而又常常难以解释。The problem is that art is like the artist's soul – wide and often unexplainable.

这必然是一个基础上的、不可解释的不同,类似泥块和雕像。This must be a fundamental and unexplainable difference, like that between a lump and a statue.

当有人显示友善时,我们会精神为之一振,并让我们心怀感激。When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude.

温彻斯特神秘屋里的未解之谜等待你来解开,准备一次探险之旅吧。The unexplainable is waiting for you inside the Winchester Mystery House, so get ready for an adventure.

我不知道。我觉得很幸福,它是如此莫名其妙的爱,我觉得我的球迷,他们是如何对待我。I don't know. I feel so blessed, it's so unexplainable the love that I feel for my fans and how they treat me.

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尽管这纤长的手指温柔地掠过,却能感觉出莫名的冷酷。Although those long slender fingers had a gentle touch but there was an unexplainable sense of coldness to them.

他们出于各自不可告人的目的,结成利益集团,针对中国搞捣乱破坏活动。They form an interest group to carry on destroying activities against China for their own unexplainable purposes.

我认为故事是绝对出色的,但我相信,如何解释这么无法说明的事情?I think the writing was absolutely superb on that show but I think, how do you explain something that's so unexplainable?

考古学家们依旧有他们自己的一套理论-或许人类不能抗拒的冲动能成为解释这些不能解释的存在的证据。Still, archaeologists have their theories—evidence, perhaps, of the irresistible human urge to explain the unexplainable.

他们重新建立了一个新的理论,即量子光学,用来解释那些在经典物理学中无法解释的东西。They are able to build and reconstruct states of light with intrinsic quantum properties, unexplainable in classical terms.

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如果你在你的面前找我,你可能发现你自己发抖像你一样的无法解释的感觉已经从不知道以前。If you find me in your presence, you may discover yourself trembling unexplainable feelings like you have never known before.

在此顶部,你执行使整体经验完全地令人难忘的一个绝对无法说明的奇迹。On top of this, you're performing an absolutely unexplainable miracle that makes the whole experience completely unforgettable.

当政府领导人和「专家们」艰困地解释为何经济情势剧烈地变动,我们就知道不能倚靠他们。When government leaders and "experts" struggle to explain wild, unexplainable shifts in economic tides, we know we cannot trust in them.