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一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag.

每个DAG以一个17字节的记录头为开端。Each DAG is preceded by a 17-byte header.

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明天常常是这个星期最忙的一天。Morgen is vaak de drukste dag van de week.

联合国的主要图书馆是戴格·哈玛斯卡约德图书馆,位于纽约的联合国总部内。Its main library, the Dag Hammarskjold Library, is at its HQ in New York.

1961年,达格?哈马斯克尔德被追授诺贝尔和平奖。In 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize posthumously.

哈马舍尔德图书馆是在1961年附加建造在联合国总部的。The Dag Hammarskjöld Library was added to United Nations Headquarters in 1961.

1953年,联合国大会选出达格哈马舍尔德是瑞典的秘书长。In 1953, the UN General Assembly elected Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden to be secretary-general.

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本文提出了有向无回路图的两种构造性定义,使DAG直观化、可操作化。In the thesis, two constructible definitions for DAG are put forward to make it intuitive and operable.

哈马舍尔德时代的维护和平,科菲安南的同僚发明了千年发展计划。With Dag Hammarskjöld, it was peacekeeping.Kofi Annan's staff devised the millennium development goals.

哈马舍尔德时代的维护和平,科菲安南的同僚发明了千年发展计划。With Dag Hammarskjöld, it was peacekeeping. Kofi Annan's staff devised the millennium development goals.

本文针对舌色苔色的分类与识别,提出了一种DAG和决策树结合的方法。A scheme based on DAG combining with DT is presented according to the characteristic of tongue manifestation.

结合前面的序列比对得出结论,DAG基序突变为DTG能使病毒的蚜传活性大大降低,甚至丧失。The mutation from DAG to DTG resulted in low transmission efficiency, even loss of the transmission ability by aphid.

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无回路网络是一类重要的网络,给出在无回路网络中求解最短路树形图和任意顶点对间最短路的高效算法。A high-efficient algorithm to seek the shortest path arborescence and all shortest paths between any two vertices in DAG is presented.

注意,一个DAG表示为矩阵,移位置的整行或整列仍然是等效的表示。Note that for a DAG represented in Matrix, shifting position of entire row or entire column still makes the representation equivalent.

拓扑排序必须在无环的有向图中进行。这样的图叫做有向无环图,缩写为DAG。A topological sort is carried out on a directed graph with no cycles. Such a graph is called a directed, acyclic graph, often abbreviated DAG.

实验表明,基于DAG表示的地形抽取算法利用变化数据间的空间关系提高了计算性能。Experimental results on real terrain data show that the algorithm based on one DAG improves the computing performance of an extraction of terrain.

研究了酶法催化酯交换过程中反应温度、反应时间、水含量、酶用量、底物比对甘二酯含量的影响。The influence of water content, reaction temperature, enzyme dosage, substrate molar ratio and reaction time on the formation of DAG in batch reactor were studied.

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达格哈马出生在瑞典,拥有了一定程度的商业及汉学从在瑞典隆德大学和研究文言历史上在上海复旦大学。Dag was born in Sweden, holds a degree in Business and Sinology from Lund University in Sweden and has studied classical Chinese history at Fudan University in Shanghai.

在证书链的搜索算法中,通过对多重边的有向无环图用深度优先和广度优先算法结合实现对证书链的搜索,避免证书图中产生的环形链而导致低搜索效率问题。Furthermore, an algorithm of certificate chain processing is presented, which searches the DAGs, and a DAG by depth-first-algorithm, and inter-DAGs by breadth-first-algorithm.

一份宣传单解释说许多沃洛色嫫山及达戈山上的海子和小湖泊起因于“沃洛色嫫女神丢掉了一面神奇的镜子,那是达戈神送的爱情礼物。”A flyer explains that the myriad lakes and tarns of Mount Wonuosemo and Mount Dage resulted when "the goddess Wonosmo dropped a mystical mirror, a gift of love from the god Dag."