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这不免让人担心That's worrying.

犯愁有什么用呢?What's the use worrying?

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挂虑究竟有甚么用处?What is the use of worrying?

老想着钱是很俗气的。Worrying about money is tacky.

对美国人现在的忧患意识我颇为高兴。I'm glad Americans are worrying.

我太忙了,为这操心,为那操心的乐趣。I'm too busy worrying to be fun.

过多的担心事情使我紧张。Worrying abot things so much me.

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停止忧虑,忧虑要人命。Stop worrying . Worry kills life.

这样你就减轻了一半的忧虑。You’ll cut your worrying in half.

你不要再瞎操心了。You need to quit all that worrying.

尝试以下贴示来处理担心方面的情绪Try these tips to deal with worrying

哈利法,而是仍在担心。Not Smoot-Hawley, but still worrying.

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肉价问题也困扰着北京的官员。That's worrying officials in Beijing.

她总是缠着他要礼物。She is alway worrying him for presents.

别担心你的钢琴独奏会。Stop worrying about your piano recital.

他在为他的赌债发愁。He is worrying about his gambling debts.

我不该担心巴基斯坦问题吗?Should I not be worrying about Pakistan?

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我感激你们为我担心,但是时时刻刻地提醒实在让我烦透了。I appreciate you worrying about it, guys.

怛她却很难不担心他。Not worrying about him is difficult for her.

别着急,否则你会急出病来的!Stop worrying or you'll think yourself sick!