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这样就会更直截了当和敏锐。It's to be more forthright and incisive.

新科玄之争存在深刻的认识论根源。The debates have incisive epistemological causes.

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这是一本有着独一无二的思想和敏锐的措辞的涂鸦。This is a Scribble With Unique Thougts and Incisive Words.

香菇能预防尖锐湿疣复。The shiitake mushroom can prevent the incisive condyloma duplicate.

他说话干脆利落,完全没有哼哼哈哈的腔调。He has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from umms and ers.

在解决问题的行动中表现出他的逻辑性、深刻性和决定性。He is logical, incisive and critical in his problem-solving activities.

列维坦的风景画艺术蕴含着一种深刻的悲剧品格。Levitan's landscape painting contains one kind of incisive tragic quality.

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他把天真质朴的奇怪品质同锐利的机智和老练的世故结合了起来。He combined curious qualities of naivete with incisive wit and worldly sophistication.

演出效果很妙,尤其是马迈特在剧本里接二连三地撒上一针见血的俏皮话。The effect is clever, especially when Mr Mamet peppers the script with incisive one-liners.

傅雷的许多艺术主张是深得艺术个中三昧,极为精粹的见解。Many of Fu's arguments, which grasp the essence of arts, are incisive understanding on arts.

在和他的探讨中,他那深邃的思想深深的激励了我。Through his incisive mind, in my discussions with him, my thought was enormously stimulated.

虽然在下半场表现的更好,但我们的最后一传缺乏足够的威胁。But we weren't incisive enough with the final pass, although we were much better in the second half.

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结果得到切牙乳突与腭皱形态的测量方法和基础数据。Results We gained the basic data and find a measuring method of incisive papilla and palatal wrinkle.

他对二次大战的认识甚为精辟,而且很有预见性,显示了其职业革命家的远见和卓识。His incisive and fore sighted view indicated his foresight and sagacity as a vocational revolutionist.

和史蒂芬。肖尔一样,他是一位杰出的摄影师,同时碰巧又是一位有才华的睿智的作家。Like Stephen Shore, he is a brilliant photographer who also happens to be a gifted and incisive writer.

据悉,吕秀莲从政前曾担任过媒体记者,文笔跟口才一向以犀利著称。Lu, who worked as a journalist before she entered politics, is famous for incisive speaking and writing.

推测可能是因为刻槽微生境比较适合一摘要些产酸微生物的生存。The reason probably is the incisive micro-habitats are appropriate to the acid-producing micro-organism.

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他才识过人,聪明敏锐,是世界上一位最能直抒己见又德高望重的政治家。With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world's most outspoken and respected statesmen.

西伯利亚人口问题一直非常尖锐,20世纪90年代以来更有不断恶化趋势。The Siberia population question has been extremely incisive and has continuously worsened since the l990s.

娃娃脸及稚气笑容下,隐藏著杨照的细腻思考及锐利批判。Underneath the baby face and fresh smile is hidden Yang Chao's sharp mind and incisive critical faculties.