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他是个毫无成就的作家。He's an unaccomplished author.

而现实中常常见到农民不合作的案例。However, many cases of the unaccomplished cooperation often could be found.

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以“建设”命名的发展中国家的道德,必定是一个待完成的未来状态。The ethic of developing countries named "building", must be a future state unaccomplished.

第二部分未遂犯的理论基础与处罚依据。The second part is the theory basis of unaccomplished crime and the foundation of punishment.

但是,中国人民反对帝国主义和封建主义的历史任务还没有完成。But the historic mission of the Chinese people to overthrow imperialism and feudalism remained unaccomplished.

民主虽然有着古老的历史,但是要把它在现代观念和条件之上组建起来,还依然是一件未竟事业。Old as democracy is, its organization on a basis of modern ideas and conditions is still an unaccomplished work.

在以往的司法工作中,入室盗窃未遂一般被视作犯罪的边缘,当无罪处理。In the past cases, unaccomplished burglary was generally regarded as the edge of crime, and was treated as innocent.

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对于不能犯,我国刑法立法没有明确规定,理论上也缺乏深入的研究。About impossible crime, our country's criminal law only regards it as unaccomplished offense, and the study on it is rare.

该部分概括了未遂犯理论的历史嬗变及未遂犯的概念和成立条件。It sums up the history evolvement of the unaccomplished crime theory, the conception and the establishing conditions of it.

姑娘颤抖着,抬头望了望山谷边缘,想着是否要无果而返。The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.

二是刑罚的预防根据,认为刑罚量的分配应该与未然之罪相适应。The other is the penalty prevention basis which holds that the assignment of the penalty quantity should adapt to unaccomplished crime.

该罪既遂与未遂的标准应根据古文化遗址和古墓葬的不同特点确定不同的标准。The standard about accomplished and unaccomplished offense should be determined by the feature of ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs.

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在最后一章中,则是对本罪的特殊形态,既遂与未遂等问题的比较和分析。In the last chapter, the author compare and analysis the special shape of this offence , the accomplished and unaccomplished offence, and etc.

由于知识产权犯罪均属于数额犯或者情节犯,故知识产权犯罪不存在犯罪未遂形态。Since all intellectual property crimes belong to quantities crimes or plot crimes, naturally intellectual property crimes do not contain unaccomplished states.

女士浑身颤抖,双眼投向山谷的边缘,似乎想要无果而返,但最终事违所愿。The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished . But it was not so ordained.

根据我国犯罪概念含有定量因素的特点,数额犯和情节犯不存在犯罪未遂形态。According to the characteristics of the quantitative factor in crime conception of our criminal law, quantity crimes and plot crimes don't contain unaccomplished states.

探讨犯罪构成与犯罪未完成形态的关系,有利于我们获致正确合理的犯罪既遂标准。It benefits to us to obtain the correct and reasonable standard of accomplishment of crime, just discussing the relations of constitutions of crime and unaccomplished crime.

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前面说了农民成就了多年未曾成就的革命事业,农民做了国民革命的重要工作。We said above that the peasants have accomplished a revolutionary task which had been left unaccomplished for many years and have done an important job for the national revolution.

如果你感到自己毫无才华,看向四周所有其他成功达成生活目标与梦想的人们,然后看向内在是什么将你维持在失败的极性中。If you feel unaccomplished and look around you at all the others succeeding at their life goals and dreams, then look inward at what it is that holds you in the polarity of failure.

未遂犯的概念从它脱胎之日起,就成长着主观与客观两种学说的对立。From the origin and its development process, we can see the concept of unaccomplished crime grown between the antinomy of the subjective and external theories from the date of its birth.