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这是完全合法的。It was all legit.

他无可厚非是认真的。He was legit serious.

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但这是不合法的。But this is not legit.

我猜测毕竟你是合法的。I guess you're legit after all.

的链接必须是合法的和永久的。The links must be LEGIT and PERMANENT.

他承认其中有一些抱怨不无道理。He acknowledged that some of the gripes were legit.

嗯,我老实说,我一直想要去做些合法的事。Well, to be honest with you, I've been trying to go legit.

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而且他们带回的船员,使得比赛工作面合法的。And they're bringing back the crew that made Race Face legit.

有唯一的好评论,但我不能肯定这些都是合法的。There's only good reviews , but I can't be sure those are legit.

但是一旦这些服务的合法竞争对手被玩死了,那就要小心了。But once the legit competitorsof these services are killed, lookout.

对于服用它作为一个笑话的人,这是非常滑稽,如果它看起来合法的也。For people taking it as a joke, it's much funnier if it looks legit also.

这可能是乐福第一次在强队身上砍下高分。This might be the legit first time he's ever put up big numbers on a good team.

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而Kazaa在今年7月摇身一变成为一家合法的音乐订阅网站。Meanwhile Kazaa turned into a legit music subscription service in July this year.

关于个人能力拓展是否合理的争论已经由来已久。There’s been a long controversy about whether personal development is legit or not.

在拿不准的情况下,你最好通过其它渠道和好友进行联络确认。If you're unsure, try to contact them through another channel and see if the link is legit.

这个家伙表现了他的正统和诚实,他相信服务社会的宗旨,所以他对于我来说是可以的。The guy has shown he's legit and honest and he believes in serving the community, so he's OK by me.

很难获得这些影片的正版,所以如果你看到了一定要好好欣赏。It is pretty hard to score a legit copy of films like these so if and when you do see on just grab it.

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不过很多人表示他们急切地需要这个机会来进行合法化,他们厌倦于总是提心吊胆。But many say they jumped at the chance to go legit anyway, tired of always looking over their shoulder.

我们正在向SEGA确认这是真有其事,还是无心错误。一旦得到SEGA方面的反馈,我们将及时更新新闻。We're checking with SEGA now whether it's legit or just a typo, and will update as soon as we hear back.

最近法沙诺都把小民的球称为「统伸卡球」他的球在盘旋下降时会有6到7英吋的跑幅。These days, Fasano calls Wang's pitch" a legit sinker, " one that breaks6 to7 inches on a downward spiral.