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南京大学教授、博士生导师。Professor, doctorial tutor of Nanjing University.

教授通常都有博士学位。Professors usually have doctorial doctorate degrees.

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谈谈你对博士的认识?Tell us about what you know about a doctorial degree?

在两年的试验研究中,归纳起来,主要开展了以下几项工作。In this doctorial thesis, the main work finished is as follows.

有效的措施是保证博士研究生培养质量的手段。Only effective measures can ensure the training qualities of doctorial students.

但这并不意味着大学里所有的工作都需要博士来完成。By no means does this follow that each and every university work is to be done be a doctorial staff.

目前本专业拥有一级学科范围内自主设置学科专业博士点。Now this discipline owns doctorial point inside one grade discipline scope belong to the independent discipline.

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研究室承担同济大学土木工程专业本科生部分教学工作,同时培养桥梁工程专业硕士研究生和博士研究生。We also undertake the educational work for the doctorial students and graduate students of department of bridge engineering.

中国科学院海洋研究所环流波动室海气相互作用研究方向责任研究员、博士生导师。享受政府专家特殊津贴。Now he is the duty research professor on air-sea interaction study, doctorial tutor and feasts the state specialist allowance.

对海运系统各子系统安全影响因素进行系统分析,确定了海运系统危险因素集。By systematically analyzing, the hazards of marine This dissertation were sponsored by doctorial fund of MOC. system are ascertained.

所以加强博士生导师队伍建设,提高博士生培养质量是研究生教育整体水平的重要体现。Therefore, the reinforcement of the doctorial advisor team construction is the key to the training qualities of the doctorial students.

就临床医学专业博士研究生教育中存在的问题提出四点建议,希望有利于其健康发展。Here some suggestions are proposed from four aspects of improving the good development of doctorial students education of clinical medicine major.

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实验室具有海洋生物学、物理海洋学、海洋地质、海洋化学和环境科学4个博士授予点和4个硕士学位授予点。LTO can give doctorial and master degrees in four majors-ocean biology, physical oceanography, ocean geology, ocean chemistry and environmental science.

男,汉族,1955年6月生于大连市,经济学博士、教授、博士生导师,现任中共大连市委副书记、大连市人民政府市长。Male, Han Nationality, born in Dalian in June 1955, Doctor in Finance, professor, doctorial tutor,.He is currently the mayor of Dalian Municipal Government.

李少谦教授,现任电子科技大学教授,博士生导师,通信抗干扰技术国家重点实验室主任。Professor Li Shaoqian, now professor and doctorial tutor of University of Electronic Science and Technology, director of communication anti-jamming technology state key lab.

赵铁军,博士,教授,博士生导师,语言技术研究中心副主任、哈工大语言语音教育部-微软重点实验室副主任。Prof. Dr. Zhao Tiejun, professor doctorial supervisor, vice director of the Research Center of Language Technology, vice director of MOE-MS Key Laboratory of NLP & Speech in HIT.