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历史是最富哲理的教科书。History is the most philosophical textbook.

但这并非一种哲学上的论证”。But that's not a philosophical demonstration.

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其他的则是一些更高层次的哲学层面上的反对理由。Others have loftier philosophical objections.

这不仅仅是哲学上的巧辩。This is not mere philosophical grandstanding.

身上穿僧衣,未必是和尚。She is unlikely to market philosophical views.

戴夫考兹蜡你好明天的哲学。Dave Koz waxes philosophical on Hello Tomorrow.

他们是不同哲学学派的成员。They belonged to different philosophical sects.

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这有点哲学研究的意味在里面。There is something philosophical about all this.

他对子部著作有非常深的研究。He has done deep research on philosophical works.

柏拉图随后形成自己的思想,并写下了许多哲学著作Plato then grew up and wrote philosophical works.

这十条贴士很宽泛,甚至有一点偏哲学。These ten are broad and even a bit philosophical.

但是随后我们加上了一个哲学性的前提But then, we add this extra philosophical premise.

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他创建了自己的一套哲学逻辑体系。He invented his own system of philosophical logic.

这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。These philosophical views serve as a guide in life.

一套完整的哲学体系是必要的。A complete set of philosophical system is necessary.

如果你跟我一样,那你就遇到了一个哲学问题。If you're with me,you're in a philosophical problem.

心理环境?哲学环境?政治环境?Is it a psychological one? Is it a philosophical one?

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哲学语义学深奥难懂。Philosophical semantics is too abstruse to understand.

而争论的双方面临的却是相同的哲学困境。Bloor and Latour are in the same philosophical dilemma.

或者还有更加理性,更加意味深长的解释?Or is there a more profound, philosophical explanation?