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上世纪50年代,一对白人夫妇生下了一个黑人女儿莱恩。Laing was a black child born in the 1950s to a white Afrikaner couple.

他建立一个世俗的南非荷神话是呼应了深刻的社会现实主义。He builds an Afrikaner mythology of mundanity that echoes a realism of social profundity.

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最后我发现,我面临的最大的挑战是来自于我保守的非洲家庭难以置信的偏见。As it turned out, my greatest challenge would be the incredible bias of my conservative Afrikaner family.

从政治上讲,这里是普南,以前是南方白人政治派系中强硬右派的堡垒。Politically, it's the Deep South, a former bastion of the hard right of the Afrikaner political spectrum.

从政治上讲,这里是普南,以前是南方白人政治派系中强硬右派的堡垒。Politically, it's the Deep South, a former bastion of the hard right of the Afrikaner political spectrum.

他们必须要完成工作,把布尔语和布尔人从南非地图上清除干净。They must complete the job of obliterating Afrikaans and the Afrikaner people from the map of South Africa.

他的声音是新鲜在南非艺术界离开,因为他带的参数定义南非白人青年。His voice is fresh within the South African art scene as he strips away the parameters that define the young Afrikaner.

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关于南非种族隔离的故事,看完触动很深。只是为什么二个白人会有一个黑人小孩?Based on the true story of a black girl who was born to two white Afrikaner parents in South Africa during the apartheid era.

约200名南非白人、妇女和孩子们在克鲁格斯多加冕公园露营,因为他们没钱过更好的生活。Some 200 Afrikaner men, women, and children camp out in Krugersdorp's Coronation Park, because they can no longer afford better.

几乎没有人注意到,他于1973年成立了一个号称非洲抵抗运动的组织,AWB,为该组织的首批布尔人成员所熟知。Few people noticed when in 1973 he founded a group called the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, better known later by its Afrikaner initials, AWB.

在罗达镇最受欢迎的酒吧里,我看见3个在附近进行管路施工的黑人工人正与南非白人血统的女侍应生调情,这场景在1992年是不可想象的。In Vrede's most popular bar, I saw three black workers from a nearby pipeline project flirting with an Afrikaner waitress—a scene unimaginable in 1992.

一年后,他让所有黑皮肤和白皮肤的同胞共同支持国家足球队,因当时的球队全为南非白人队员。A year later, he urged his countrymen — black and white — to support their national rugby team, the sports obsession of the nation's Afrikaner population.

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南非没有陪审团制度,这个案子唯一的仲裁者就是法官威廉·凡·德·莫威。媒体把他描述为一个“谦恭的英国化的南非白人”。There is no jury system in South Africa, and the sole arbiter in this case is Judge Willem Van Der Merwe, described by the press as a "courteous, anglicized Afrikaner".

第四代南非白人伯蒂·斯瓦内普尔的生活节奏一如既往,还在自由邦自己的3000英亩牧场饲养牛羊。Four generations on, and the rhythm of life continues much as ever for Afrikaner Bertie Swanepoel, who raises cattle and sheep on his 3, 000-acre ranch in the Free State.

同样地,尽管英国在九十年代早期与布尔族的外交斗争胜利起主要作用,他还是无法把霸权强加于南非。Likewise, Britain has not been able to reassert her hegemony over Southern Africa, despite playing a major role in the diplomatic defeat of the Afrikaner nation in the early nineties.