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罗伊是个餐馆的勤杂工,乔伊斯也是。Roy is a busboy and so is Joyce.

他请求一位年轻的服务员帮助他。He asked a young busboy to help him.

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这位作家曾做过一年的餐馆勤杂工。The writer worked as a busboy for one year.

老板把那个粗心大意的餐厅侍者降为侍者助手。The boss demoted the careless waiter to busboy.

我做餐馆工的时候我希望成为最好的。When I was a busboy , I wanted to be the best busboy.

那个餐馆工清理餐桌时打碎了许多盘子,因此被炒了。The busboy broke so many dishes while clearing tables that he was fired.

等他们一吃完,会有服务生来清理桌子,我们就可以坐下了。As soon as they are done, a busboy will clean the table and we can sit down.

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他的职介顾问向我保证他会是一个值得信赖的好餐馆杂工。His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy.

梅耶尔愿意接受任何他能找到的工作,他在餐馆打过工,也做过快餐店的工作。Meyer took any job he could get. He worked as a busboy and short-order cook.

不要责备做错事的厨师长、杂工、女服务员或者坏天气,让一切恢复正常。Never blame the chef or the busboy or the hostess or the weather for anything that goes wrong. Just make it right.

我在1980年成为全职记者之前的最后一份劳动是在加州的一家法国餐馆打杂。My last job before becoming a full-time journalist in 1980 was working as a busboy in a French restaurant in California.

佐丹有过多样的职业生涯,包括在海军队伍打零工,在夜总会54号摄影棚做侍者,还在电影制片厂待过。Jordan has had a varied career including stints in the Navy, working as a busboy at nightclub Studio 54 and theatre production.

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那里原来有家必胜客,当年我有位朋友在那里打工,偷了馅饼出来供我们酗酒狂欢。现在必胜客变成了一个印度糖果店,而且还换了个完全不着调的房顶。The Pizza Hut where my busboy friends stole pies for our drunken parties is now an Indian sweets shop with a completely inappropriate roof.

向客人惊呼希尔斯高级俱乐部起火了的餐厅侍者说,这场损失惨重的大火很可能是由于把香烟蒂到在弄脏了的桌布里引起的。The busboy who alerted patrons of the fire at the Hills Super Club said that cigaret butts dumped into soiled tablelinen may have caused the fatal blaze.

他请一个服务生帮他。男孩拿着瓶子,立刻转过身,很快就把瓶盖拧松。而后又将其拧紧。He asked a young busboy to help him. The boy took the bottle, turned his back momentarily and loosened the cap without difficulty. Then he tightened it again.

这只是一个餐馆前,或在沃伦大街,连接底特律附近的迪尔伯恩市的商店之一时间的问题,需要另一个餐厅收过盘子或奇数在职的人。It's just a matter of time before one of the restaurants or stores on Warren Avenue, which connects Detroit to the nearby city of Dearborn, needs another busboy or odd-job man.