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她是一个静娴的少女。She is a tranquil maiden.

使我在它安静的力量下泰然休憩。And rest serene beneath its tranquil power.

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一颗波澜不惊的心,再也受不了世俗。A tranquil heart, can not stand the secular.

真诚地愿你拥有一种淡淡的情致。I wish, sincerely, you can hold a tranquil mood.

我渴望湄南河的安静的步态。I longed for the tranquil pace of the Chao phraya.

夫道者。有清有浊,有动有静。The Tao can be pure or turbid, moving or tranquil.

风乍起,吹皱一池春水。In spring, a gentle wind rippled the tranquil lake.

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博塔福古湾宁静的水面上挤满了游艇。Yachts peppered the tranquil waters of Botafogo Bay.

同时,世界仍然很不安宁。At the same time, the world remains far from tranquil.

纸月是一位文弱、恬静﹑清纯而又柔和的女孩。On paper, a Wenruo, tranquil and soft ﹑ innocent girls.

那宁静的彩霞,缭绕的烟霭和水雾。The tranquil sunny haze, the clinging smoke, the vapor.

恬静的倒影池和蓝色的-平铺的清真寺在伊朗。Tranquil reflecting pool and blue-tiled mosque in Iran.

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阳光照在阿肯色中部一处平静的湖上闪闪发光。Sunlight glints off a tranquil lake in central Arkansas.

海平静安稳,在阳光下波光粼粼。The sea, tranquil and smooth , was sparkling in the sun.

这个下午,阳光在我安静的空空荡荡中,穿针引线。This afternoon, sunshine in my tranquil emptiness threads.

你身体的余热,急促的心跳,不平静的吻。You body's afterheat, rapid palpitation, not tranquil lips.

我劝你活得清白,我愿你死得安宁。I advise you to live sinless and I wish you to die tranquil.

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我只要他平平静静的陪我度过这一世的时光。So long as I he tranquil accompany me to pass this life time.

布勒根兹美术馆充满简约宁静的气息。Art Museum Bregenz exudes a minimalistic, tranquil atmosphere.

所有这些酝酿活动全是公开的,几乎可以说是安然无事的。All this fermentation was public, one might almost say tranquil.