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甚至没有像现在这样盲目单板式。Not even so much as a single slat of blind.

板条冲洗机一小时内可清理72或144个板条。Slat washer cleans 72 or 144 slats in one hour.

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您可能需要旋转并移动,直到每一个地方的板式。You may need to rotate and move each slat until its in place.

橡木包裹着前部的墙壁,而板条则覆盖了后面的墙上。Oak clads the front walls, while slat covers a wall at the rear.

以回收松木板材搭建的墙体将卫生间与外侧空间划分开来。Recycled cypress slat walls baffle foyer space from the rest rooms.

第2章中对卫星地球站的设计方案进行了介绍。In chapter 2, we illuminate the design scheme for satellite earth slat ion.

它的作用是巧妙地平衡木板墙壁与树之间的晃动。The result is a delicate balance between the slat wall enclosure and the swaying trees.

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但是每当类似发生在拉斯维加斯、奥本山宫殿的一切时,桥上又一块面板落入了水中。But with every Las Vegas, every Malice at the Palace, another slat falls out of that bridge.

货盘仓用于存放堆放成品的货盘,货盘仓位于成品输送机的上面。It is designed for store the product pallet and timed placing the pallet on the slat conveyor.

揭示了有关规律,并结合实例对板式输送机进行了优化设计。This paper exposes related law and optimizes the design of the slat conveyor based on instances.

地面上结了一层盐。“现在不像从前了,河水不泛滥,盐分就冲不走了。”阿明对我解释说。The ground was encrusted with salt. "The flood does not carry away the slat as before, " Amin explained.

每一个部分都设有一个可调节搁板,背面是条板结构,便于各部分完美拼接。It has one adjustable shelf per section and a slat back design allowing for easy access to component wiring.

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关于在本世纪板条back18th免费视频古董家具椅子了解收集和收藏品。Learn about slat back18th century antique chairs in this free video on furniture collecting and collectibles.

盒子的一根板条已经松开了,很明显,史奴比就是从这个缺口跑出来的。But there was no Snoop, and a slat that had pulled loose from one side of the box showed how he had gotten out.

可将等量的细木条和苏打粉混和后洒在蚂蚁要钻进房子里的地方以驱走它们。Mix slat and baking soda equally and sprinkle it where you see ants coming in to keep them from liking your home.

可将等量的细木条和苏打粉混和后洒在蚂蚁要钻进房子里的地方以驱走它们。Mix slat and baking soda equally and sprinkle it where you see ants coming in to keep them from liking your home.

一种能够方便采摘蚕茧的板签式方格簇蚕茧采摘工具。Disclosed is a silkworm cocoon picker of slat type paper cocooning frame which can be used to pick silkworm cocoons conveniently.

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本文利用图解法分析了拨禾轮的运动轨迹,并推导出新的拨禾轮作用范围的公式。A new formula on the action sphere of reel slat is driven out through the graphical analysis of reel slat motion locus in this paper.

蔬菜加工腌制过程中,腌渍品的用盐量、出品率和含水量关系到产品质量的优劣和企业的经济效益。Slat dosage, production ratio and water content were related to the quality of finished product during vegetables pickles' processing.

如果你喜欢床架,这有两种款式——不仅仅是弹力感觉的弹簧板条和更坚实的平板板条。Should you prefer a bedstead, there are two types – a sprung slat that gives more of a spring, and a solid slat that has a firmer feel.