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朝圣者在地球上。In terra pellegrino.

秦兵马俑是非常写实的。These terra cotta warriors are very life-like.

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它还会唤醒整个大地,”麦克圭尔说。It is a wake-up call to Terra Firma, " McGuire said.

深陶土色带柔和的古铜和金色光芒。Deep terra cotta shade with a soft copper and gold shimmer.

地球上牢固的陆地是人类的依附。Terra firma, the firm Earth, is something mankind relies upon.

研究结果或可以应用到陆地上的人们。The findings could have applications back here on terra firma.

柏林有潜力,有力量,还有未知领域的神秘。Berlin has potential, power and something of the terra incognita.

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伊特鲁利亚人用陶器或陶土来制作艺术品。The Etruscans created fine art with terra cotta, orbakbaked clay.

天狼星人牺牲了Terra的生命来再生和提升。The Sirians sacrificed the life of Terra to regenerate and ascend.

这会引起温室效应,继而形成土地。That would cause the greenhouse effect and begin the terra forming.

矿石王国也掌握Terra上的全一之语。The mineral kingdom is also holding the Language of ONE upon Terra.

我想去看看兵马俑和阳朔的山。I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.

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一词来源于拉丁语,意思是无人拥有的土地。Terra Nullius is from Latin. It means a land that is owned by no one.

三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑。Three pit respectively denominate is 1, 2, 3 Terra Cotta Warriors pit.

学校走廊上悬挂的学生画的中国兵俑画。Student drawings of China's iconic terra cotta army hung in the hallway.

把兵马俑和唐三彩翻译时调换位置,是怕产生歧义,认为兵马俑也是唐代的。Three-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and the terra cotta figures.

下面是一些极光的组图,都是从太空中或陆地上观测的。Here's a gallery of some images of the aurora, from space and from terra firma.

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秦始皇在公元前210年死去后反抗者损坏了许多兵马俑。Rebels damaged many terra cotta soldiers after Qin Shi Huang Di died in210 B.C.

NewKrean团队来自泰国朱拉隆功大学,他们将这款应用程序命名为Terra。The NewKrean team from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand named their app Terra.

明天,我将回去参观秦始皇兵马俑和古长城。Tomorrow, I look forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls.