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他有一种典型的记者派头。He has the typical reportorial manner.

他们指定她去完成一次报道任务。They tapped her for a reportorial assignment.

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据报道腭、牙龈的黑斑可能癌变。The shading that occupies reportorial palate, gum is likely canceration.

我们高兴看到,报纸能给予社区市民报道机会。We are glad to see, newspaper can give community citizen reportorial chance.

这些地图旁边显示了有关野火最新报道的链接。Showed concerned bush fire is newest on the side of these maps reportorial link.

中心电视台,山西电视台,北京电视台对该院也进行了报道表扬。CCTV, shanxi TV station, beijing TV station also undertook reportorial praising to this courtyard.

声明指个别媒体的报道误导了大众,犯了基本的法律错误。The reportorial misdirect that statement points to individual media the masses, made basic legal mistake.

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他们不仅要做更多的报道,而且报道的种类也日趋繁复。They should make more reports not only, and reportorial sort also with each passing day heavy and complicated.

我们乐于看到,报纸可给予社区市民报道机会,以吸引读者眼球。We are happy to see, newspaper can give community citizen reportorial chance, in order to attract reader eyeball.

如流感、伤寒、流脑等,也有报道疟疾、回归热等可引起玻璃体混浊。Like flu, typhoid fever, shed a head to wait, also reportorial malaria, relapsing fever waits can cause vitreous body muddy.

在车展报道方面,新浪汽车的实力和影响力在业内举足轻重。Reportorial respect is exhibited in the car, the actual strength of sina car and consequence hold the balance inside course of study.

2003年发生SARS后,西方媒体曾给予特别关注,大篇幅地进行长期跟踪报道。After producing SARS 2003, western media ever gave special attention, large space land undertakes dogging for a long time reportorial.

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从奥运的报道力度来看,四大门户投入巨大、当仁不让。From the point of the reportorial strength of the Olympic Games, 4 big doors throw tremendous, not decline to shoulder a responsibility.

国内目前的网络新闻传播尚处于初级阶段,成熟的报道理念、规范的管理模式尚未形成。Lacking mature reportorial conception and standard management, the current Chinese Internet news communications are still in their infancy.

CNN最近的所作所为完全违反自己所宣称的客观平衡的报道原则,甚至丧失了道德准则。The doing with the closest CNN violates the reportorial principle of the external equilibrium that he alleges completely, lost moral criterion even.

越来越多的网络作者军团开始参与报道体育、政治、商业、名人和其他可想到的领域。More and more network author army group begin to share reportorial sports, politics, commerce, name support of the people is other the domain that can think of.

读者对新闻媒介令人震惊的不信任的根源并非是报道失实或低下的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着碰撞。The astonishing distrust of the news media isn´t rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.

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对新闻媒介这种令人震惊的不信任,其根源并非是报道失实或低下的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着碰撞。the astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.

这与抛出一堆未经证实的指控,不提供任何报道指向,让读者自己去“判断”的做法正好相反。That's the opposite of pumping out a bunch of unsubstantiated allegations and then leaving it to readers to "make up their own minds" about them with no reportorial guidance.

踏上这片土地,呼吸这里的空气,相比以往任何一次出差或者接受的报道任务,我感到此行是一次更大的冒险之旅。The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken.