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人在这儿也觉得很舒服。People feel a cosiness about it.

晚上点起篝火会让人感到温暖舒适。In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness.

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我在找寻一个温暖舒适和熟悉的气氛。I am looking for cosiness and a familiar atmosphere.

世行与肯尼亚政府之间总有种暧昧的“危险的默契”。There was a "dangerous cosiness" between the bank and Kenya's government.

在舒适度评价结果的基础上,提出对舒适度进行优化。Based on the cosiness evaluation results, the cosiness optimization is proceed.

热环境舒适度指标是建筑节能设计的关键之一。Heat surroundings cosiness index is a important target of energy efficiency design in buildings.

他们认为,居室里如果没有壁炉就失去了让人感觉舒适惬意的基本特点。They thought a living room without a fireplace would be a room without basic characteristic of cosiness.

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占主导地位的模式,即由债券发行方直接付费给评级方的模式,使得两者关系更为和谐。The dominant model, in which the bond issuer pays the rater directly, encouraged cosiness between the two.

每个座位旁都种有植物,花盆里的树木和茂盛的花草带来了隐蔽而亲密的感受,让这片新的城市客厅更加舒适宜人。All objects were put amongst flora, trees planted in flowerpots and high grass that give intimacy and cosiness to this new urban interior.

他希望找到一个伴侣,这样经济上能更稳定一些,也能给自己11岁大的双胞胎女儿带来母亲的温暖。He hoped for companionship, financial stability and a maternal influence for his 11-year-old twin daughters. But his home unit lacks the cosiness of Yuncui and Huajun's.

在城市公共交通工具中,轨道交通具有快捷、准时、大容量等无可比拟的优点,极大地改善和拓展了城市的交通结构和生活空间。Comparing other mass transit tools, the urban rail transition has the characteristic of celerity, cosiness and large capacity. It also can improve the urban traffic structure.

纺织品,长绒毛地毯和瓷砖强调舒适和耐用性,颜色朴实,偏大地系的黑莓色、棕黄色、浅红色和浅绿色。Textiles, shag-pile carpets and ceramic tiles signal cosiness and durability, emphasised by an earthy brown with a hint of blackberry and subtle dashes of yellow, red and green.

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坐在户外撑着遮阳伞的木椅上,和新认识的朋友一边喝茶,一边谈着自己小小的生活,或许也是一种惬意。Perhaps, it is another type of cosiness to sit on the wooden chair under a stretched sunshading umbrella, drinking tea with newly-made friends and chatting about one's everyday life.

列车减振器是车辆悬挂系统的关键部件,其性能好坏直接影响到车辆的操控性、稳定性、乘坐舒适性以及整车的品质和性能。Shock absorber is an important equipment of suspension of vehicles, whose performance will affect the manipulation, stability, cosiness of the vehicle and the quality of the whole vehicle.

服装材料是构成服装最重要的物质基础,而服装的舒适性主要是由服装材料体现出来的,它包括人内在的生理上的舒适性和心理上的舒适性。Garment material is the essential component in garment constitution. It can embody the cosiness of the garment, which consists of not only human physiological but also psychological cosiness.

酒店以19世纪初期的毕德迈风格装潢,是一栋受到保护的建筑,融合昔日维也纳的亲切感以及现代的舒适。The centrally located Hotel Am Brillantengrund is housed in a listed building built in the Biedermeierstyle of the early 19th century, combining the cosiness of old Vienna with modern-day comforts.