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大修女又说了什么事了呢?What else does the Reverend Mother say?

恭敬的尊长,宽恕这一对犯人吧。Reverend sir, forgive this pair of sinners.

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最可敬的老先生,您听得出我的声音吗?Most reverend signior , do you know my voice ?

另一位是牧师詹姆斯李士灵。The other was the Reverend James Lee Moy Ling.

我要请一位神父,可我却得到了一位牧师。I wanted a priest and I got Reverend Goodvibes.

正在与我们谈话的是牧师Alison,Boden博士。We are talking to the reverend doctor Alison Boden.

而教会提到教会的者,则以牧师尊称。And many churches refer to their leader as Reverend.

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以上是其罪名,尊敬的法官们,请裁夺!These be the charges, reverend Judges, so please you!

布鲁诺的法庭审判官是巴拉敏大人,记住他!Bruno's Inquisitor was the Reverend Robert Bellarmine.

罗德利哥最可敬的老先生,您听得出我的声音吗?Roderigo. Most reverend signior, do you know my voice?

威尔逊牧师先生更加严厉地嚷道。" cried the Reverend Mr. Wilson, more harshly than before.

“不,我看不必了,”丁梅斯代尔牧师先生接口说。"Nay, I think not so, " rejoined the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale.

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感激大主教盛情接待,愿神佑大主教。I appreciate the hospitality of Your Most Reverend. May God bless you!

这场盛大的婚礼邀请了220位客人。Reverend Eva Cavaleri officiated the ceremony, which included 220 guests.

教士查尔斯比卢普斯,游行队伍的领头人,却很有礼貌地表示了拒绝。The Reverend Charles Billups, who was leading the march, politely refused.

他们可能会问,为什么你会在一开始同赖特牧师交往?Why associate myself with Reverend Wright in the first place, they may ask?

P电话,他沮丧的告诉他尊敬的人说他已经无以为生了。He was despondent and told the reverend that he had nothing left to live for.

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克里斯普先生刚从牛津大学毕业,现任奇斯维克教区牧师福劳尔多先生的助理牧师。Chrisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr.

尼尔托马斯牧师在好莱坞西部公园,为桑切斯和杰里证婚。Reverend Neil Thomas married John Sanchez and Joel Wilsey at West Hollywood Park.

伊牧师是个在中国传过二十多年教的老教士。The Reverend Evans was a man who had spent over 20 years in China as a missionary.