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按基金净值算!Calculate by fund net value!

是不可能计算出来的。It is impossible to calculate.

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计算工作性的状态。Calculate the Work Item Status.

试算出领带的价钱。Calculate the price of the tie.

可以算出QP吗?Can we calculate the distance QP?

你们知道了怎么计算它。So you know how to calculate that.

那么你能计算出全部。And so you can calculate everything.

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你如何计算披肩大小?How would you calculate tippet size?

这不算最疯狂的。This does not calculate the maddest.

另外,计算平方根。Otherwise, calculate the square root.

那些片段都罘算。Those fragments do not all calculate.

同时,你也可以自己来计算。You can calculate this yourself, too.

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试求出下面的未知数。Calculate the unknown in the following.

你能帮我们算一下进口税吗?Can you help calculate our import duty?

我认为他说的那句话是错误的。I calculate he is wrong in saying that.

我们也知道要怎么计算功。We also know how to calculate the work.

应该能计算△H,它是个态函数。We should be able to calculate delta H.

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你计算E的平方的平均值。You calculate the average of E squared.

我们能计算混合物的焓。We can calculate our enthalpy of mixing.

可以计算其转动惯量。You can calculate the moment of inertia.