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他的创作风格是细致并长于用典。His style is sophisticated and allusive.

后来人们知道这是暗示作用。Successors know this is allusive action.

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它像一个童话一样的生动鲜明,像一首诗一样的隐晦。It is as vivid as a fairy tale, as allusive as a poem.

阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy.

人类疾病的药物治疗效果,部分与暗示性有关。Of human disease medication the effect, part and allusive sex are concerned.

精神因素和暗示作用是癔病发病的主要原因。Mental element and allusive action are the main reason that hysteria comes on.

暗示网易违规与暴雪成立合资公司。Allusive Netease violates compasses and blizzard to establish joint-stock company.

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这几册诗毫无疑问比其他几册,具有更加浓厚的暗示性意味。These books are without question more heavily allusive any other books in the epic.

他们的生活,有时就如戏剧一般,寻求刺激,暗示性强。Their life, be like sometimes Thespian and general, seek stimulation, allusive sex is strong.

心理学研究发现,大多数人均有一定程度的暗示性。Psychology considers to discover, most average per capita has the allusive sex of certain level.

这种巧于用典的文笔对翻译者来说是个不寻常的挑战。This kind of writing, with its brilliantly allusive language, poses an uncommon challenge to the translator.

以是在举行表示疗法之行进行病例的挑选,疗效会更明显。Of the ongoing travel case that having allusive therapeutics so choose, curative effect will be more distinct.

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暗示疗法可分直接暗示疗法和间接暗示疗法两种。Allusive therapeutics can divide direct suggestion therapeutics and indirect suggestion therapeutics two kinds.

主席讲了几个笑话和暗语,但我可以肯定地说,这些都是说得他自己。I can therefore confirm that president Berlusconi used some jokes and allusive words, but always referred to himself.

暗示的方法,一般多采用语言,也可采用手势、表情,或采用暗示性药物及其他暗号来进行。Allusive method, use a language more commonly, also can use gesticulation, expression, or use cipher of etc of allusive sex medicaments to undertake.

暗示性取决于病人的情感倾向,如对某件事或某个人具有情感倾向性,则易受暗示。Allusive sex depends on affection tendency of the patient, if have affection tendentiousness to some thing or some individual, get a suggestion easily.

间接暗示是指通过做检查、注射药物或借助某些仪器对病人进行暗示治疗。Indirect suggestion is to show through doing medicaments of examination, inject or have the aid of certain instrument undertakes allusive cure to the patient.

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各种症状表现在不同个体上,其轻重不一,历时长短不一,并可被情绪和暗示所左右。All sorts of symptom lists are diverse now individual go up, its weight is differ, accident of last a period of time is differ, can be controlled by mood and allusive place.

病人在接受医生的暗示过程中,也就是内心的逻辑思维过程中,病人自己也充分肯定了自己的性功能是“正常”的。The patient is in the allusive process that accepts a doctor, namely in logistic thinking process of the heart, the sexual function that him patient affirmed him adequately also is " normal ".