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你想呷一口吗?Do you want a sip?

嘿能让我先喝口吗?。Hey. Can I have a sip?

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我浅尝了一口。I took a tentative sip.

她又喝了一小口茶。She took another sip of tea.

喝出健康皮肤来。Sip your way to healthy skin.

大声喝汤是非常粗鲁的行为。It is rude to sip your soup loudly.

看客们或啜饮美酒、或豪饮冰啤。Onlookers sip wine and guzzle beer.

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喝你五口茶呀,问你五句话。I ask you over the fifth sip of tea.

品茶,逐一品赏各杯茶水。Sip the four cups of tea one by one.

所以,如果你还是很渴,就多喝一点水。So if you’re still thirsty, sip more.

他们只拿小杯,然后抿一口。They get little cups, and they sip it.

给他喝一口白兰地酒有助于使他苏醒。A sip of brandy helped to pull him round.

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我想抿一口茶,可是太烫了。I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding.

她坐着嗫饮骨瓷杯中的杜松子酒。She sat sip ping gin from a bone china cup.

他喝了口茶,发出嘶嘶的声音。He took a sip of tea making a slurping noise.

IP是一个基于文本的应用层控制协议。SIP is a text-based application-layer protocol.

她盯着桌子看,然后喝了一口茶。She looks at the table, then takes a sip of tea.

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杰瑞米喝完最后一滴牛奶,咧嘴一笑。Jeremy grinned as he sipped his last sip of milk.

孩子吃掉了药丸外面的糖衣,却把药心吐了出来。The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out.

你说"谢谢"然后喝一小口你的酒水。You say "thank you" and take a sip of your drink.