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我讨厌坐飞机。I hate flying.

飞龙在天。A flying dragon.

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蝴蝶飞落。Butterfly flying.

这就像飞翔一样。It's like flying.

飞到树上去。Flying into a tree.

飞?很接近了。Flying? Also close.

无翼而飞。Flying Without Wings.

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蝴蝶飞不过沧海。Butterfly flying away.

猫头鹰在白天行动?Owls flying by daylight?

这些控诉正在飞散。The lawsuits are flying.

小蜜蜂飞呀飞。Flying flying little bee.

一个翱翔天际。One is flying in the sky.

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飞虎队出发了。The Flying Tiger set out.

车可飞上天?Will we have flying cars?

鲜炸飞鱼。Freshly-fried flying fish.

但是,勒尔帕没从宫外飞过。Lirpa to come flying past.

飞机正飞得高。The plane was flying high.

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他们的船突然遇到风了。Their vessel is flying up.

绕着城市飞呀飞!Flying all around the city!

在树端里飞来飞去。Flying side where the tree.